In May of 1817, John Stewart left the Wyandotte nation and - TopicsExpress


In May of 1817, John Stewart left the Wyandotte nation and returned to his home in Marietta, Ohio to help gather in the harvest on his familys farm. This weekend I stumbled on a letter he wrote while away that may as well be entitled: The epistle to the Wyandotte. My dear and beloved Friends: I, your brother traveller to eternity, by the grace and mercy of God, am blessed with this opportunity of writing to you; although I be far distant from you in body, yet my mind is oft times upon you. I pray you to be watchful that the enemy of souls do not ensnare you; pray to the Lord both day and night with a sincere heart, and he will uphold you in all your trials and troubles. The words that I shall take as a standard to try to encourage you from, may be found in the 5th chapter of Matthew, 6th verse, Blessed are they who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled. These words were spoken by our Saviour Jesus Christ, and they are firm and sure; for his words are more firm than the heavens or the earth. Likewise the promise appears to be permanent; it does not say it may be, or perhaps, so as to leave it doubtful; but they shall be filled. This man, Jesus Christ, spake like one who possessed power to fill and satisfy the hungering soul, and we have no reason to dispute his ability to do so, knowing that he made all things that are made, and made man for his service, then we are bound to believe that he is a Being of all power, able to fulfill all his promises to all mankind. This blessed Saviour shews his face with ten thousand smiles-lays his hand to the work- breaks She snares of sin-unlooses him from the fetters and chains of unbelief-sets the soul at liberty-puts a new song in his mouth-makes the soul rejoice with joy un- speakable and full of glory. Then, my friends, accept of my feeble advice; bear constantly in mind the necessity of obtaining this blessed promise, and ever let your hearts and conduct be guided by the directions of that blessed Saviour who died for you, that you might live. You who have set out in the way of well doing, be faithful unto death, and you will be conveyed by angels to Abrahams bosom, and there meet the sweet salutation of well done good and faithful servant, enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. And may God bless you and keep you in the path of righteousness, until he shall see fit to close your eyes in death. Now may the blessing… (illegible)
Posted on: Thu, 22 Jan 2015 00:08:57 +0000

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