In Memory-- of the Man With a Peaceful Plan, Martin Luther King - TopicsExpress


In Memory-- of the Man With a Peaceful Plan, Martin Luther King Jr., by Peggy Kennedy Beeber (As I believe Mr. King might perceive the America of today-- totally fiction, and written by me.) In a society where children are openly made fun of for believing in God-- Where people cannot think straight without being told they are bigots When all is chaos, and young people destroy rather than build up Or think its OK to punch someone of a different color/race or gender in the face--Simply because they can-- this is NOT the America I envisioned for my people. I envisioned an America where ALL PEOPLE would be treated with respect, Where All people would be able to seek a good education and after having EARNED that degree-- seek a job in his chosen career-- and, have people Hire the best candidate for the position. Without looking first at his or her RACE, and secondly at his or her credentials. I prayed for an America where men and women could walk freely without fear of Harm due to their heritage or color of skin, without fear of speaking out on Issues that were important to them. Yes, I had a dream and I held to the hope That my children and their children could walk in through the front door, And, be treated as respected members of society. My vision included ALL RACES, ALL Denominations of Christians-- yes, even Those that followed other religious paths which were equally peaceful to that Of the Christian Faith. However, due to what I see unfolding around the world, I do Not hold out a lot of hope regarding My vision is one of peace, should the (Radical) Islamic Faith get a strong hold on those in this land. Jesus Christ taught love and Respect for our fellow man (meaning all men and all women). God is the Answer, He is the One to turn to in times of trouble and heart ache. Listen NOT to false prophets, Listen NOT to men that claim to be above GOD and PRETEND to offer a hand of friendship-- if well but succumb to their way of thinking. The Bible teaches us to listen to the TRUTH, and that God will make it clear for us. Those that offer false promises are easily recognized for what and who they are. Sadly, in todays world, there are men of all races and all walks of life that fit this profile, women too. And, unfortunately, there is one in the White House that is the GREATEST Pretender-- among that crowd. I am NOT happy, for he dishonors my spirit by his lies and Deceptions for my race. Being half white when it suits him, Being BLACK when it suits him; Being Christian, Being Muslim, Being this, and being that-- whatever the situation calls for-- That is what HE SAYS HE BELIEVES. No Depth, Little CHARACTER. I am appalled that men of color would listen to the lies, I am saddened that men of integrity in this country have lost their Lives and will continue to fall in number-- as his plan of REFORM and CHANGE continues to blow Through OUR GREAT LAND. Now, on a brighter note; I see many good things that have happened since I moved into the Land of Sea Blue Breezes and White Shores-- which is to say, MY HEAVEN. I see that men and women can enjoy Going to the church of their choice, and be treated well-- no matter what race or color of their skin.I see that people of integrity can get ahead in life, that they are able to follow their dreams into Medicine, Law, Entertainment, or any other career that they should wish to. All men and women can check into a nice hotel in an upscale neighborhood, if they have the means to do so. There are no special notices posted that service is not available-- and, bathrooms are for access of all races. These are all good things, things that I dreamed of, prayed for, and envisioned-- and, had I lived would have been able to enjoy-- along with my children and grandchildren. What I did not see was those of my race/color, leaving the Christian faith in favor of one that represses the rights of the individual, of Christians, and of women. What I did not envision was an America that would willingly lie down with the enemy-- and, call it harmony. This is NOT my vision of a Peaceful America. Which, of course, it will not be if the Christian faith is spurned in favor of Islamic beliefs and the implementation of Sharia Law. Which is to say-- there will NOT be equal treatment Under the Law, and most especially BAD treatment against any that will question that faith. God is NOT quaking, HE is the God of the Universe. Anything else is what it is-- and, was inspired by the Deceiver. This is NOT my vision for the future of America-- and, I along with other Christians on This Side of LIFE-- choose to continue praying along with all of you in the physical world of LIFE. Together, we will make a difference. Yes, I still cling to my vision, my hope, and my LOVE for America-- And, for ALL HER PEOPLE, which all citizens of the United States of America are-- that love this great Land. And that love the FREEDOM that they were born into, or for which they sought from other parts of the World. It is up to each individual to stand up for their beliefs, their dreams, their visions of HOPE. Those that are inspired by the Deceiver are making headway with people that have distanced themselves from God and His son, Jesus Christ. Forgive them, but do not be deceived into following in their misbegotten path. Stand firm in who you are, and stand firm for your faith-- for ALL PEOPLE, for All races, and for both MEN and WOMEN to enjoy equality in the work place, and respect in the home. This is my message-- and, I leave YOU to fulfill the DREAM! Copyright 2014, all rights reserved. (Feel free to share in its entirety-- not taking lines or words out of context. Thank you.)
Posted on: Tue, 21 Jan 2014 06:42:22 +0000

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