In Memory of Joan Rivers In 1991, I was invited to dinner by - TopicsExpress


In Memory of Joan Rivers In 1991, I was invited to dinner by Joan Rivers. She was doing a national talk show for The Tribune Company and they wanted to move the show to WFLA-TV, the NBC affiliate in Tampa that I was programming. I had resisted Tribune for many months until one day, their salesman Sam Fuller asked me if I wanted to have dinner with Joan who was scheduled to visit Tampa for her comedy tour. I agreed and the magic began. Sam sent me an autographed copy of her book, Still Talking which I read cover-to-cover. Then he sent me the video you will see here. The night of the dinner we met at Malios restaurant on Ashley Street in Tampa. This is the infamous steakhouse where years later Burt Reynolds cheated on Lonnie Anderson with a barmaid! The dinner with Joan was one of the highlights of my life. Once you peeled back the veneer of Joan the entertainer, you got Joan the businesswoman, Joan the mother, and Joan the survivor. She was a very complex person who led a very complicated life. While I ultimately decided to pass on buying her show, I was blessed to have met Joan the incredible lady! Ill always remember her as a women of great depth who put a smile on my face and millions of others over the years. May she rest in eternal peace.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 18:32:30 +0000

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