In Mexico, they are killing you for saying the true - TopicsExpress


In Mexico, they are killing you for saying the true We can not stand more attacks of Israel against Mexico and USA The plan has to be a fact for NAFTA, It will be better than Mexico be part of the USA at this time, because after the mexican illuminati might kill us Mexico is only used as a lab for rhe CIA-Bush-Illuminati, the real stuff will be in USA The only work of the mexican military is to kill no illuminati mexicans more than 90% of the population Mexicans are not fool, the situation is that the CIA.Bush-illuminati multinational army was threating us with the Fast and Furious of Obama Mexico and USA have to resolve the situation of the illuminati, they are killing presidents, Bush-CIA is controlling the drug market, as well as killng mexicans, China is sending army undercover to Mexico and USA Mexicans started to bit mexican politicians The illuminati mexican families they think that they Kings and Queens, specialy Gortari, I worked for him, and I feel really unconfortable. Mexico and USA fought against illuminati for not being part of them All these guys are illuminati and they are distractors, no real situation. My technology is much more important and there is only one news in a newspaper, the illuminati control everything Even my family, peers, professor, University IPN were target because of my theory and practice in the fake illuminati ideas Hello. I saw you post this on a friends comment we share in common... My technology called ERP can integrate systems, human beings, machines and others to integrated modules, devices, nanotechnology all of that can be working together to generate information according with industrial engineering as a science.... I would like to talk to you about this. This intrigues me from a Biblical aspect. Thank you. The Gortari, ex-Harvard students, part of the top illuminati in Mexico, fiscal and accounting frauds around the world, killing of important politicians, they stole my ideas for PEMEX-IMP, military inside the Universities targeting my peers because of the important of my thesis for the fake illuminati ideas
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:41:28 +0000

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