In Mr. Assange’s paranoid worldview, large, multinational - TopicsExpress


In Mr. Assange’s paranoid worldview, large, multinational financial interests have had a secret handshake with governments, principally that of the United States, and have together prosecuted a war on privacy, freedom and economic fairness. The reason that paranoia is so appealing? He turned out to be mostly right.  Robert Redford in 'Three Days of the Condor.' Paramount Pictures Robert Redford in 'Three Days of the Condor.' Every time you open up a news site, the government seems to get its hands farther and farther up your skirt. In that sense, we are not just the audience in these movies; we are part of a target-rich environment, and so we root Mr. Assange on in spite of his shortcomings
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 07:05:36 +0000

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