In My walk with God many have said prove He Is ..Prove the Bible - TopicsExpress


In My walk with God many have said prove He Is ..Prove the Bible is True, in Truth God does not need me to prove anything for Him.. for without a shed of Doubt I know God Is ...and without a shed of Doubt I know the Bible is Gods word to this world from Genesis to Revelation. God does provide evidence Though God hasnt given us proof, he has placed enough evidence in the world for people to believe in him (Rom 1:18-20). Romans 1:20 states, Since the creation of the world Gods invisible qualities...have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made. How is this so? People throughout history have seen both the power and beauty of nature. Questions such as What controls thunder and lightning? and How did the stars get in the sky? lead naturally to Is there someone who created the universe and controls it? And once someone asks that question, they need only ask God to reveal himself to be given what further evidence they may need to believe Matthew 7:7-8Ask, Seek, Knock7 “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 8 For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened. If the evidence is clear, why doesnt everyone believe? Some have asked, If the evidence is so plain to see, why doesnt everyone believe in God? Gods existence and Christianity are not propositions like matter is composed of atoms that can be regarded neutrally; their truth or falsehood affects our lives and our entire world view. Consciously or unconsciously, everyone has a bias against God. No one wants to stand before a perfectly good God and realize how far one has fallen short of the standard. Thus there is a part in all of us, both Christian and non-Christian, that wants to reject God, just as there is a part in all of us that wants to do good. That bias causes people to act in a variety of ways: some people dont want to investigate any evidence for God, others will try to explain it away, etc. An interesting thought exercise is to consider how you would react if the evidence you would like God to provide for his existence were presented to you as evidence that an invisible pink unicorn exists. No one wants to publicly vouch for the existence of an invisible unicorn because it would make one look foolish; hence we have an inherent bias against believing in its existence. If we all saw Hello from the Invisible Pink Unicorns of Planet Qumleb! We wrote this message to notify you of our existence and wonderful powers. Come visit us when you discover high-speed space travel written in the sky tomorrow, would we take it at face value, or would we think that someone at NASA had pulled off a masterful practical joke (and ridicule those who took the message seriously)? God wants a relationship built on trust, not proof Yet even if God provided proof that was satisfactory to everyone, faith and trust would still be required to follow God. The atheists question would merely change from Why doesnt God prove his existence? to Why doesnt God explain why he did this and not that? Atheists themselves would become theists, but not all of them would become Christians: one can believe God exists without believing hes worthy of worship, or that Christs death atoned for our sins. God wants us to trust him, not just believe he exists. If our every demand for proof and explanation were satisfied, wed only trust and follow God to the extent that he proved himself to us. We would be relying on the external evidence and our own judgment of it, not actually trusting God. For us to actively trust God, we have to continue in our belief even when what we believe in isnt proven. And why is trust so important? Because it requires a deeper relationship with the one trusted. Anyone will believe a strangers statement if he immediately produces proof to back it up, but believing a person without having proof requires the believer to have a positive opinion of the person (at least that they deserve the benefit of the doubt) and to take a certain amount of risk. If the risk is large, the believer is dependent on the person. If the trust turns out to be justified, the believer has a higher opinion of the person and a stronger relationship with them. Another way of seeing it is this: Suppose a married man attends a weeklong, out-of-state conference. His wife can choose to trust that he wont have an affair while at the conference, or she can demand proof of his faithfulness by insisting he call her every hour and give a detailed account of his doings, making him wear a beeper so that she can call him at random, hiring someone to spy on him, etc. Yet if she demands proof, the husband will most likely respond with What, dont you trust me? He will be offended because his wifes asking for proof indicates that she doesnt trust him - and since she knows his character, her distrust says that his character is lacking. On the other hand, if she trusts him, it says that she really believes he will be faithful - much more so than if she simply stated she trusted him, yet never spent a night apart from him. Its much the same with God. God wants us to trust him, because that requires both believing that he is trustworthy and acting on that belief. Thats not to say that God requires us to have blind faith - he wants us to love him with all of our mind (Lk 10:27), and he will give us reason to believe if we ask him - but that God wants our relationship with him to be built on trust as much as possible (Jn 20:29). In this God does not need me to prove anything , But on the other hand I surley do need Jesus Christ for without Him life is lived in vain and I am unforgiven In the life of faith, a simple preposition determines the final result: With Jesus, everything is possible. Without Jesus, nothing is possible.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 16:56:19 +0000

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