In North Korea it is an unforgiveable crime to be a - TopicsExpress


In North Korea it is an unforgiveable crime to be a Christian. Hyes mother and father would open up their house to friends on Saturday nights. Five or six would gather to read from the Bible and sings songs silently. Hye would stand on guard outside, so she could run in and warn them if anyone was coming near the home. One day, the security forces raided the house during a worship meeting. Hyes father was arrested and taken away. Hye never saw him again. Two weeks later, her grandmother passed away. Before she died, she told Hyes mother to fetch her Bible. We knew they were coming for us, Hye remembers, we had to burn it. My grandmother said it was okay, as long as we stayed true to our faith in God. But when the flames devoured the pages, my grandmother wept intensely. Hyes family were deported to a remote Mountainous area, where they live a hand-to-mouth existence for 10 years. Then, one day, a Chinese pastor, who had managed to find out where they had been sent to, came and offered Hye a chance to defect to China. Her mother convinced her to go, and eventually Hye managed to make her way across the barbed wire, electrified fences and military patrols of the border to cross the river into China. The pastor and his wife were waiting for her. One of the first things they did was to take Hye to church. As soon as she set foot inside, she burst into tears. I couldnt stop thinking about my father and grandmother. They would have longed for this service. In prayer, you can take time to reflect on this terrifying walk of faith. Our Christian brothers and sisters draw strength and encouragement knowing that they have not been forgotten by the family of God. I ask you, from the very bottom of my heart, that you include all persecuted Christians, wherever in the world they may live, in your prayers. It may surprise you to know that there are at least 50 countries where it is very difficult to be seen publicly to be a Christian. In many of these countries Jesus means being marginalised and stigmatised, or even facing hostility, violence and death. Christians are the most persecuted religious minority in the world. Its time to pray for the persecuted church, to speak up on their behalf and to support those in greatest need. For more information about persecuted Christians worldwide please go to:- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please share this message on all your Facebook Groups and blogs. Let us not remain complacent when so many of our fellow Christians are suffering the extreme penalty for their faith!
Posted on: Fri, 30 May 2014 08:11:17 +0000

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