In Obamas America, renouncing citizenship and collecting freebies - TopicsExpress


In Obamas America, renouncing citizenship and collecting freebies are rational behaviors By Michael Busler In Economics, rational choice theory says that individuals will take actions that they believe will be most beneficial to them as individuals. If thats true then every time someone chooses to renounce their citizenship, or relocate their company outside of the U.S. or accept a handout, that reflects a rational decision. In Obamas America, apparently this is the fundamental change he promised. Last year about 3,000 Americans gave up their U.S. citizenship. That number was more than six times higher than the average from 1998 to 2009. Since 2009 the number has increased rapidly (except for a dip in 2012). This year, we are on pace to exceed 4,000. Why are so many Americans leaving when, at the same time, record numbers are entering, legally or not? Each of those moving has made a rational decision. Some individuals feel that other countries provide a better alternative. This is especially true for those who have contributed significantly to the economy and have earned significant rewards. The thought of giving large portions of their income and wealth to a government that simply hands it out to those who have not earned it, is reason enough to leave. Even considering all of the wonderful benefits to being an American citizen, the economic and freedom reducing policies of the Obama administration subtracts so much from the equation, that leaving for another country is a rational decision. For those that live in countries like Honduras where much of the country is essentially lawless, walking to the U.S. now makes sense. Staying home results in a terrible lifestyle where basic survival may be impossible. Because the current administration has said that it will not deport children, tens of thousands of young children and mothers with infants have somehow managed to cross the most difficult terrain to arrive at the Texas border. These individuals or their parents made a rational choice. Prior to the presidents announcement that he would not deport them, the choice to leave was less clear since it was possible someone could arrive in the U.S. but then be deported back. Once Obama changed the policy, the rational choice was for them to leave their country and walk to the U.S. Many of those who complain that too much of their hard earned money is being taken away in the form of taxes and given to recipients in the form of social programs, would say the freeloaders are taking advantage. Those individuals may further argue that the freeloaders are not really making rational decisions to take the government handouts. This is because the programs are supposedly a temporary. But the President changed that equation too. ------------------------------------------ CIA consultant: $7,000 gold possible within 5 years A financial guru who advises the CIA and the Pentagon is forecasting a 400% spike in gold prices, beginning very soon. We talked to him and learned the full story. Get the details of our investigation here. ------------------------------------------ After Presidents Reagan and Clinton essentially fixed the welfare system to encourage people to become self-sufficient, Obama changed it. Now it is easier to collect welfare. It is so much easier that the program is now viewed as long term by the recipients. This changes the equation and reduces the incentive to leave the welfare roles. So the rational choice is to stay on as long as possible. The same applies to unemployment benefits. For the most part, the intention was to pay unemployment benefits for a six to nine month period. That was deemed to be a sufficient amount of time to find other employment. Then, during some periods, Obama increased the benefit period for up to three years. Since the Obama economy was producing little or no well-paying jobs, recipients collected benefits as long as they possibly could while refraining from even looking for a job until 30 days before the benefits were due to expire. This was a rational decision also, since working at a full-time job added little extra income, but required significantly more effort. The problem is, of course, the distortion of the alternative. Obamas taxing policies distort the view of America for high contributors. His taxing and regulatory policies have distorted the view of the American marketplace for entrepreneurs. Obamas social programs distort the view of self-reliance. With those distortions Americans are making rational decisions to leave the country, to continue collecting freebies and even to avoid making domestic investments. They need better, more traditionally American, alternatives. Michael Busler, Ph.D. is a public policy analyst and a Professor of Finance at Richard Stockton College. Once again, thank you for sending me your e-mails. I cant respond individually, but do read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to wendy@theprojecttorestoreamerica. On January 29, 2014, the Federal Government posted an ad on their BizOpps website seeking escorts for 65,000 unaccompanied illegal alien children. If this doesnt prove that the entire mess with all the illegals flooding our country was planned by this administration ahead of time, well, then, I not only have a bridge to sell you, but also some Lois Lerner emails! – Anonymous Bidwell comment: Conservative Treehouse first reported this on June 20th. Here is the original article... You dont want to miss it. Also, be sure to click the BizOpps link above to see the job posting. You want to see it for yourself! The Conservative Treehouse article includes these two crucial bullet points… • Why would DHS and ICE be claiming surprise by the current influx of unaccompanied minors on the border in June, when they were taking bids for an exact contract to handle the exact situation in January? • Secondly, how could they possibly know anticipate 65,000 unaccompanied minors would be showing up at the border, when the most ever encountered in a previous year was 5,000 total? This week, well be diving in deeper on this issue in an attempt to learn more. Stay tuned. dailycaller/2014/06/22/irs-cancelled-contract-with-email-storage-firm-weeks-after-lerners-computer-crash/ – Anonymous Bidwell comment: The opening sentence of the above Daily Caller article is, The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) cancelled its longtime relationship with an email-storage contractor just weeks after ex-IRS official Lois Lerners computer crashed and shortly before other IRS officials computers allegedly crashed. You might have already heard about this recent development, but we continue to follow this story.
Posted on: Mon, 23 Jun 2014 20:40:25 +0000

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