In October of this year at the intersection at Avenue U and E. 8th - TopicsExpress


In October of this year at the intersection at Avenue U and E. 8th St. in Brooklyn a white couple was attacked by by 10 young blacks yelling, Get those crackers! and Get that white whore!- m.nydailynews/1.1490901#bmb=1 Do you remember Reginald Denny? He was beat almost to death on camera by a group of young blacks in South Central Los Angeles as revenge for the Rodney King verdict, which he had nothing to do with.- thedailybeast/videos/2012/04/27/how-bob-tur-filmed-reginald-denny-s-beating.html Blacks are seven times more likely than people of other races to commit murder, and eight times more likely to commit robbery. Blacks are three times more likely to use a hand gun, and twice more likely to use a knife. Hispanics commit three times more violent crimes than whites, but the statistics are nebulous because sometimes they are classified as white, so it could be far higher. The best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percent of the population that is black and Hispanic. Blacks are 39 times more likely to commit a violent crime against whites then vice versa, and 136 times more likely to commit a robbery. Forty-five percent of black crime is against whites, 43 against other blacks, and 10 percent against Hispanic. Blacks are seven times more likely to go to prison, Hispanics three times, and the reason is clear, because from 1980 to 2003 the US incarceration rate has tripled, and so proves that Justice is not only hard won, but well served.- examiner/article/federal-statistics-of-black-on-white-violence-with-links-and-mathematical-extrapolation-formulas Cleveland, Ohio. A black man on bumped into a truck being driven by a white man. This was an innocent mistake. The black man fell over but was not hurt. A crowd of 40 black people yanked the white driver from his truck and the white man was beat up from the feet up & tore up from the floor up. One of blacks got in the truck and ran over the white driver, killing him. The crowd of blacks cheered all of this on because a white man yelled at a black man for hitting his truck. Jacksonville, Florida. An agreement was made by several black beasts. They agreed to beat down the next white man they saw walking down the street. A 50-year-old mentally disabled white man got stomped on without mercy. He died in the hospital due to blunt force trauma. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In racist America several blacks were sentenced to less than a year for unmercifully beating a white man and causing him to drown to death. This young man deserved to die, according to the negroes who killed him, because a different white man called them a racial epithet earlier that evening. Massachusetts. A white Boston college student was stabbed to death for being the next white man a pack of four black animals saw. Indiana. Seven white people were shot gunned to death by a racist ignorant black man who was possessed with a deep seeded loathing of white people. Miami, Florida. The leader of the Yaweh ben Yaweh cult, a black supremacist group, ordered his followers to kill any and all “white devils.” At least seven white people were murdered by these evil black bastards. They even brought back body parts to make their leader proud. North Carolina. A white woman was killed by seven black mutants who kidnapped her. Before she was shot five times, ending her life for purely racist reasons, the seven black shits gang raped her. North Carolina. A ten-year-old white girl was taken to an empty house by four sub-human black teens who anally raped her repeatedly. She was then strangled with a wire & beaten to death with a wooded board. Kansas City, Missouri. Black blood sucker supreme white people. This is what an Ethiopian immigrant, who shot two white coworkers, had written in a three page letter that police latter found at his residence. Thankfully this man killed himself instead of more white people. New York City. If you are a black n-word in Midtown Manhattan and you assault & ass rape a white woman while spewing racist bile at her, you will not be charged with a hate crime. Alexandria, Virginia. An 8 year old white boy had his throat slit by a black man shouting racist remarks while the innocent white child bled to death in his great-grandparents front yard. This dick had previously been arrested for attacking a white man with a hammer whilst calling him whitey. San Francisco in 1973. White people were being hunted, shot to death, one was raped, and another beheaded. The perpetrators were known as the Zebra Killers- a group of Militant Mau-Mau Muslims who mindlessly murdered 14 whites, assaulted seven whites & raped one white woman. In 1976 The Zebra killers were convicted. The Central Park jogger was gang raped & beaten to within an inch of being removed from this mortal coil by a hoard of black and Hispanic teenagers in 1989. The word wilding was brought into to the lexicon because of this macabre incident of yet another white woman being raped by a gang of minority thugs. As Nicholas Stix described it: “The boys dragged her 200 yards to a secluded place, where they fractured her skull with a plastic-wrapped, four-foot lead pipe, and some large rocks. The boys ripped the Jogger’s clothes off of her, tying her hands behind her back with her sweatshirt, gagging her, and taking turns beating, stomping, and the unconscious woman, as 75 per cent of her blood oozed into the Central Park grass. They left her, with bruises, welts, and wounds literally from head to toe, for dead.”- violenceagainstwhites.wordpress/the-hate-crimes-you-dont-hear-about/ How can slavery be the justification for any if these grotesque acts? Slaves were sold be African Kings, who owned them as slaves for barrels of molasses. Slavery still exists in Africa today. Free blacks in America also owned slaves. In fact the first person to own a slave in America was Anthony Johnson- A BLACK MAN.- liveleak/view?i=ef2_1336262149 How is nigger the worst word in the world, if it is only racist when uttered by a white person? Black people are the most racist people in America & the constantly use the N-WORD.
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 00:05:54 +0000

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