In Pain or Confused?.....Whale Medicine and Wisdom We are - TopicsExpress


In Pain or Confused?.....Whale Medicine and Wisdom We are rapidly approaching the end of 2014 - the end of the shift time and planning time as the Mayan prophecies tell us; as shared with me by my Mayan teachers years ago. In 2015 we enter the New Earth - the Fifth Earth - ready or not. And we will be called upon to act to bring together the four colors of people to share and to work together for the changes we need to continue to live on the Earth. This is all part of the true Mayan prophecies - not the Hollywood version of ‘end of the world’. Because of this we all have been working overtime to finish clearing old pains from our being and to do as much personal healing as we can. As well as having changes in our vibrational and emotional levels for those of us spiritually awake. This all has caused pain, confusion, fear and doubt in most of us. Things needing to be faced so we enter the New Earth as ‘clean’ and ready as possible. If you have been unaware of why you are feeling some of the strong physical, mental and emotional pain this year - I offer all of this as one explanation. We have also had to face many challenging issues and events: losing family and friends to death or leaving us; losing money and/or jobs; ending relationships, some long-standing and the like. Many people have been saying what a very VERY hard year it has been. And so it has. All of this is true and has been very difficult, but I say congratulate ourselves we have made it this far. We are survivors. We are healing, changing and growing. And we will enter the New Earth willing to help or not. I suggest looking at all you have gone through this year and accepting it and, if you are still mired in depression or pain, affirming you will now give it up to the universe. To Creator if you like. Now is the time. None of us can effectively step into the New Earth and be part of the circle of creating new ways to live hauling this load of emotional baggage behind us. None are immune from what we have been facing - although I have seen some in denial, which makes the changes even more difficult and painful. I have been dealing with this and not even realizing how deeply it was affecting me. As I have seen in all around me as well. Sharon and I, as Eaglewolf... spirit twins, have been working it together as well. This writing is a compilation of what we have shared and learned as we walk through this. As have Sue and I; Sue, Sharon and I; and our circles though writings and radio shows. Now, work with the energies of the Universe to give it up and move ahead. And work with nature. Go and walk. Hike. Sit with the trees. Whatever speaks to you. But do it. And work with healing guides you know and trust. And, importantly, work with your spirit guides - especially the animals for now. They do not feel the fear and pain we humans do right now. One to approach is the whale - call in the Whale Nation for guidance. They have been waiting since the beginning for this time and their job to help others understand, surrender and move into the new vibrations and 4 and 5 dimensions of this New Earth. The whales are the record keepers of everything on and of the Earth since the beginning. From long before those pesky two-leggeds walked from the seas. They store the wisdom not only of this place, but also of the universe it is taught. They are the storehouses of all the knowledge we need to begin functioning together in more sustainable ways in this New Earth we now enter. And they want to share all of this. As they wish to also help us end the aloneness, depression and darkness we have felt. Listen to their voices and ‘hear’. Call up whale recordings on your computer or buy a CD and sit and quietly listen. Listen with your soul and heart. And let surface whatever needs to surface. Stop nothing from coming forth if you are able. In this way you will give up to the universe any control of your own healing you must and welcome in the additional help you will need now. We will see you on the other side. As one. https://youtube/watch?v=savCAd6RyPI Eaglewolf Spirit November 27, 2014 Healing Mirror Holders https://facebook/groups/SharonJim/
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 04:33:21 +0000

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