In Pauls letter to the Church in Galatia he talks about the - TopicsExpress


In Pauls letter to the Church in Galatia he talks about the offense of the cross as does Reverend Billy Graham here. People say I believe in God. Even devils believe in God. Or I go to church. Thats not good enough. The cross is offensive because it confronts people and directly confronts the evils of their heart which dominate so much of this world. Its a confrontation we all must face either on this earth or the great judgment day. Oh yes there will be a judgment. Have you been to the cross? Are you sure of it? Not the one on your neck or on your bible. But truly spiritually been to the cross where you visualize what happened to Jesus and convict yourself for his horrific murder. Its offensive and it offends people because it says youre an evil sinner and people dont wanna admit that. Allow yourself to be uncomfortably convicted and youll be mercifully forgiven for all time. Stop saying I believe in God and say Ive accepted the perfectly innocent blood and Im clothed in the garments of my Lord and savior Jesus Christ! God no longer sees the evils of my heart when he looks at my heart he sees Jesus! Watch this if you have time. :)
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 19:50:21 +0000

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