In Sheol. At first, I thought it was a joke when they grabbed - TopicsExpress


In Sheol. At first, I thought it was a joke when they grabbed him. I was expecting him to pull one of his many wonders, make them dissolve into the thin air or cause blood to evaporate from their vessels by blinking an eye. But no, he didnt, instead he allowed himself be led away haphazardly. Anyway, my wishes were yielding, he would be killed and it would be very soon. Things have been unfolding easier than I thought. My attempt to murder him as a newborn years ago had utterly failed even at the expense of other innocent two-years-and-below old males. King Herod should have found and killed him. He had failed me. There was a day I caused his carpentry workshop to collapse by provoking an earthquake, hoping he would be crushed to death. Jesus had simply disappeared and appeared on a mountain where he immediately began preaching. All attempts had failed until now. It was looking too easy to be true. I gazed at him from my throne as some massively built soldiers played around him, leaving him in the middle half-naked. Soon, they invented a game. Game of spit. The soldier that could, with a sufficient force eject enough saliva to reach Jesus from a distance would win. Throats croaked into action as various amount and color of saliva flew out to be plastered on him. The game became so interesting that the civilians joined too. Women and children all submitted their mucous garnished saliva which they took time in conjuring on him. I became more shocked when a man he had healed of palsy days earlier strode forward to play the game too. The saliva adorned Jesus just knelt in the middle, strangely helpless. Before I could wrap my mind around what was happening, a whip materialized from nowhere and landed on his bare back, boring into his flesh. Extra moments had to be taken to extract the razor peaked whip from his skin before another went in. Battering rolled in from various angles just on one man. Slaps, fists, kicks, some got bold enough to deliver a chest slam. A solider moved closer and head butted him on the back, he then mocked. Prophesy! Messiah, who just did that... Prophesy All the while, I had a single question on my mind. Why couldnt he summon the hosts of heaven to erase their existences from the planet? I got the answer the hard way later. A new anthem filled mouths now He blasphemed! He blasphemed.. Kill him... Kill him.. We must crucify him today * * * I rose from my throne with some demons around me as they led Him to Golgotha, the place he would be crucified. The hour had almost come. Jesus would die, his spirit would come to me to get imprisoned like every other before him. Every five strides he took ended in collapse due to extreme weakness coupled with intense weight of the wooden cross he was now carrying. Just at the moment when he could no longer carryon did a man appear to help carry the cross. This accelerated their journey to Golgotha. * * * Two soldiers adjusted Jesus body on the cross while another three got busy ramming nails long as a dagger through his hands and feet. They finished and slowly began pulling up the cross, Jesus flattened on the cross, arms outstretched and positioned between two rebels who were also crucified. Only the nails kept him hanging on the wood piece. Come down, if you are the Son of God! They mocked him ...he saved others but he can’t even save himself! Hahahahah Now, every single demon had arrived from all corners of the planet. We all stood with great attention as victory welled up in us. The more he drained on the cross, the closer we saw victory. Oh! How I wish I knew what he was up to, I would have stopped his killing. I swear I would have! We remained standing from the sixth hour till the ninth when it started. First, it was the sun. It stopped shinning. Everywhere became dark, then suddenly, Jesus cried from the cross. It is finished! Immediately he said this, he expired. At that moment, the curtain of the Jerusalem temple tore into two from top to bottom. The earth shook and thunder roared in its loudest voice, splitting rocks and tombs open. I couldnt believe my eyes, the demons too couldnt. They flipped around in celebration. Prepare a cell for our visitor ...another sinner is dead I ordered Jezebub, the arch demon in charge souls. I watched in complete ecstasy as his spirit left the body on the cross and sailed towards my abode with the speed of creation, the speed with which God created light. I wasnt expecting anything less. He arrived and instead of the usual sad, hopeless mood other spirits arrived with, Christ showed up differently. He appeared triumphantly. At first, it was blinding sea of light in its purest form that swept across. Clothed in light brighter than the sun, He strolled closer to the main gates of Sheol, and they unhinged without touching them. Subsequent gates began to burst open as He neared them. Confusion set in, he was supposed to be a captive! Demons scampered around, seeking refuge. They knew better than not to, those unfortunate enough to encounter Him just ceased existing. Painful cries filled the eight walls of Sheol as my demons were forced to perish. I wished I could protect them, but I had to protect myself first. For the first time since Adam and Eve, I saw hope as I looked around. I saw hope in the eyes of all the captives around. They rose eagerly, gazing towards the Light, their hands raised, awaiting their freedom. The last gate flung open and Christ was in my room. The beams of light from Him dissolved the darkness around me instantly and I stood before Him naked. You died... Died a sinner on that cross... and thats why youre here! but I dont understand why you are not a captive like others that died! I managed to ask, swinging my hands furiously while still standing. Silence was it for some moments, then out of the Light spoke a Voice that sent me quivering on my knees. Lucifer, give me the keys.... Oh no! I wasnt ready to drop those, but my choice mattered not. The keys just left my grip and cruised into the Light. The keys that locked the prisons, that gave me power over all, living and dead, had just left me. He turned and left towards the prisons. As He went, I got pulled behind against my will by a force that radiated from him. He said as we proceeded Son of the morning, did you forget Jesus is of a pure blood? Or you thought his blood mixed with Marys... Oh you also forgot he wasnt made my Joseph. His blood is so pure it will clean all sins... I kept listening as He dragged me towards the centre of Sheol, making a public show of me before my demons and the captives. Im God! I created you Lucifer! ... He then went silent on getting to the center. I saw the keys rise above Him as he recited in a loud voice Sharka tarka radaa... Rarcumba lumia gagaga!.... Instantly, the prison doors kicked open, I heard the dungeon doors lift underneath us. One by one, their occupants, those who have been bound and lost for years walked out. I saw Jonah come out, Joseph, Elisha, Cain, Miriam, David, Esther, Solomon, Abel. Herod himself ran out and women of early times. They came out and surrounded the Light, gazing at Him, their heads raised unflinchingly. I love you, I have always loved you, I have come here only to free you, accept me and be free indeed He preached They believed and accepted because moments later, another unthinkable happened. The spirits began leaving. Some shot up with fierce speeds, others spiraled out, many just popped out of their positions on their way to paradise. He was plundering Sheol. Back on earth there were resurrections of long dead souls. They began roaming the streets of Jerusalem. On finishing, Christ initiated towards the entrance. All His time had amounted to three earth days. He then left me with these words Ill be back for you Lucifer Then, I knew why I should have prevented the death on that cross. He left and darkness returned. Back on earth inside a burial cave, a body gasped to life. Jesus the Christ.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 13:21:15 +0000

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