In Sunday School today I realized that there was a tremendous - TopicsExpress


In Sunday School today I realized that there was a tremendous story of military honor hiding in the story of King David and Bathsheba. You know the story... David is out on the roof and sees Bathsheba, well, taking a bath. He is smitten and calls her over--while her husband, Uriah the Hittite, is deployed. Id never thought much about the man Uriah--the story usually focuses on David and Bathsheba--but this guy was a stud. Once Bathsheba notifies David that his dalliance has resulted in an illicit pregnancy, David hatches an elaborate plan to cover it up. He calls Uriah back from the war pretending to ask for a report on how things are going and then sends him home to wash his feet knowing that hell certainly spend a little QT with his wife and give him deniability on the pregnancy. But Davids plan is foiled when Uriah refuses to cooperate out a sense of military duty. And Uriahs sense of honor and loyalty to his fellow soldiers is ultimately what brings about his untimely death. After David sends him home Uriah refuses to go and sleeps outside the palace. When David finds out and realizes his plan is failing he calls Uriah and asks him why he didnt go. Uriahs response is awesome: And Uriah said unto David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in tents; and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, are encamped in the open fields; shall I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? as thou livest, and as thy soul liveth, I will not do this thing. (2 Samuel 11:11) The oath Uriah swears is among the strongest linguistic oaths possible among the Jews. Basically, Hell no, I wont go. Not that he doesnt love his family, but that he is honor-bound to his fellow soldiers. In modern vernacular: Sir, My leaders and my friends in arms are still deployed and sleeping on the ground in tents. Theres no way Im going home and relaxing. It made me think of this exchange between Tom Hanks character and Matt Damons character in Saving Private Ryan: Private Ryan: [after being told he can go home] [to himself] Private Ryan: It doesnt make any sense. [normal voice] Private Ryan: It doesnt make any sense, sir. Why? Why do I deserve to go? Why not any of these guys? They all fought just as hard as me. Captain Miller: Is that what theyre supposed to tell your mother when they send her another folded American flag? Private Ryan: Tell her that when you found me I was here and I was with the only brothers that I have left and that there was no way I was gonna desert them. I think shell understand that. Theres no way Im leaving this bridge. I bet Uriah was asking himself, What am I even doing here in the palace? Ive got to get back to my unit. And I bet that David was crushed as he realized the man whose wife hed slept with was too honorable to be manipulated into covering it up. I hope the slimeball felt inadequate and ashamed to be in the presence of such an honorable man. And after another failed attempt by David to cover up his sins he sent Uriah back to the front lines carrying orders to his commanding officer that sealed his fate. They were awful orders too. Shame on David for giving them and shame on Joab for carrying them out. Can you imagine what it would be like today? President [Someone] gets a deployed soldiers wife pregnant and calls him back from the front lines asking for a report. He tries to get him to go home and sleep with his wife, but the soldier wont go. So he sends him back to the front lines and gives an order to his commanding officer to lead him into battle and then draw back so that he is exposed and dies. What a supreme betrayal of an honorable man that would be. And how tragic that Uriah died knowing that hed been betrayed by his fellow soldiers. I hope his last thoughts were of love for his wife and family never knowing what had transpired with the king.
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 21:35:46 +0000

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