In The Beginning is a mouthful If you believe in God, you must - TopicsExpress


In The Beginning is a mouthful If you believe in God, you must concede that he is the same yesterday, today and forever. If he is not affected by time, he lives either outside time, or outside the effects of time either way you must regard him as eternally patient. For example, why would or would not our creator let billions of years of universal expansion unfold before declaring his creations as they pertain to life on earth? Well the simple answer is that God is unaffected by time. Another answer is that he is unaffected by time and is unparalleled in his patience and love for his cause. If what we used to know... our theories about space... has now been married to time itself, we must conclude that space/time were created at the same point. Also, if God lives outside of this, it was all of space and all of time by his view. This would certainly add validity to the living outside of his creation (for him it was a one-shot deal, all of space/all of time) But if you read the bible, there is nothing about the creation of space-time mentioned, Only light and the heavens. This raises the question of light being intrinsic as a type of matter (one of Einsteins theories). If all is explained by the creation of light, then we have a biblical theory of the singularity. If the singularity was prefaced by light and not the other properties of light which do not travel as quickly, then we are looking at a creator indeed. Because as we know it light does not exist without heat, but what if the light came first, sling-shotting all other physics into play? It certainly seems likely that the condensed matter that light became would be incredibly powerful and ushering in all the different radiations to form solids. My father once explained his theory to debunk the eons-old claim of light. -You know, the claim that looking into the stars is looking back into time because of the speed of light isnt instant- by saying, Why not? Why are they saying that for just one second, God didnt allow time to stop and catch up to light. I; on the other hand, believe we are looking at the heavens as is and God simply created light at a speed faster than light can travel. I see it this way... I mean, walking shoes were designed for walking speeds, but are you going to tell me that Nike(r) can only produce shoes at an average rate of four miles per hour? My guess is that they can go faster. Back to the singularity: our universe is expanding; Ok, I see that this is measurable and true. But if it all started from a single point (a ripple the size of two human hands being clapped together) and expanding evenly more-or-less like an inflating balloon.. Tell me why again I am looking into the past when I stare into the depths of our universe? The central theme of an ever-expanding universe created at a single point and expanding no faster than the speed of light, -as nothing can go faster- means that all of the far reaches of the universe still have the same and equal exposure to the center as it expands, hence equal-instant lighting. I dont believe you can challenge this unless you can prove that the expansion took far greater speeds than light itself. So in my universe we are looking at galaxies and nebula as they are happening now. But on a deeper level, we have a creator that takes the universe we see as proof to those who do not know Him, and the second heavens as proof that he exists. ~DW Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Isaiah 40:26 Lift your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one, and calls them each by name. Because of his great power and mighty strength, not one of them is missing.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 16:56:07 +0000

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