In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most - TopicsExpress


In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful. As I promised to clarify my stance upon the ongoing political situation of Pakistan and my Personal participation at Imran Khans sit down I would like to start by stating that remember this is my very personal point of view and I am not an official PTI supporter rather I align my self with the Islamist(By Islamist I mean those who believe in Islam as a complete code of life with politic,economic and social system, I need to clarify one more thing that I do not align my self with any of the existing religious parties(whether they take part in active politics or not) working in the beloved land). What I believe,and Allah knows the best, is that this political chaos is very important for the future of our beloved homeland and may be we do loose something during this chaos but the future would be better in sha Allah. This Chaos is important because there is no doubt that these parties which are in the parliament are all corrupt and we have tried them all more than once and as the prophet(s.a.w.w) said in an authentic hadith that A believer is never stung by the same hole twice and this is one of the ways for the political maturity of our general public. I do not think Imran Khan will do wonders or will revolutionize Pakistan but the credit goes to him that he and only he has brought some political awareness in general public. What I really believe is, and Allah knows best, is that this will in sha Allah will help in creating pressure groups in our politics which means that any government or who so ever rules Pakistan will know that If he did some thing wrong people will come on roads and jam the official machinery. On the face of it this seems as some thing bad but this is what which is very important for a stable democracy in our country as change can never come without chaos and chaos is not always bad. The other credit which we should give to Imran khan is that he personally is not a corrupt person, neither his wealth and assets are outside the country which is among one of the most important factors of judging ones loyalty towards the state. This is only the beginning, and I hope that this will lead to some thing better for the future of our beloved land.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 07:57:40 +0000

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