In Unmo everything said and done need the endorsement from the - TopicsExpress


In Unmo everything said and done need the endorsement from the President. Najib cannot claim ignorance. YB Lim, you have been long enough in politics to know that Najib is trying to hoodwinked us to show that he is the Mr Nice and work hard to contain the unruly unmo warlords. Zahid, Hassan and the rest are just clown trying to outdo each other by being the devil advocate to win favour of Najib. In the early days Malaysian are proud of PDRM and the Judiciary because even cabinet Minister can be charged for corruption and other wrong doings. All these are now history. Today is you scratch my back and i scratch yours. All buddies buddies -------------------------------------------------------------------- Kit Siang: Has the govt gone bonkers? FMT | September 2, 2014 The DAP strongman says events in the past week have alarmed right-thinking Malaysians. PETALING JAYA: As they reflect on events in the past week, right-thinking Malaysians want to know whether the government has gone bonkers, according to DAP parliamentary leader Lim Kit Siang. Tomorrow’s cabinet meeting must address this question, he said today in a media statement. He said the week leading to the 57th Merdeka Anniversary gives new cause for concern as to the direction and future of Malaysia under the premiership of Najib Tun Razak. “Of special concern are the speeches delivered at Umno divisional meetings,” he said. “I need refer only to three of them. “The first was the speech by Negeri Sembilan Menteri Besar Mohamad Hassan at the Rembau Umno division meeting, concocting the lie that ‘three days after the opposition (Pakatan Rakyat) forms the Federal government, it will have its first cabinet meeting, where the main agenda will be the reunion of Singapore with Malaysia. “This was followed by the Minister for Agriculture and Agro-based Industry, Ismail Sabri Yaakob, whose speech to the Gopeng Umno delegates meeting on Merdeka eve indulged in fear mongering, alleging that the Malays were ‘under attack’ in Malaysia. Lim then referred to Home Minister Zahid Hamidi’s speech at the Umno Segambut meeting yesterday, in which he said that “Malays are paying the price for being kind to non-Malays” and “non-Malays are getting increasingly arrogant and are insulting the bumiputras, the royalty and Islam.” Lim alleged that all three speeches were seditious and asked whether the Attorney-General would charge the three Umno leaders under the Sedition Act. Referring to Sunday’s arrest of Penang Voluntary Patrol Squad members, Lim said it showed the Inspector-General of Police’s “utter contempt not only for Merdeka Day but also the Prime Minister’s Merdeka Day message of unity and patriotism”. He also referred to the recent prosecution of several Pakatan Rakyat leaders under the Sedition Act and today’s hauling to court of academic Azmi Sharom of Universiti Malaya. “Have Malaysia’s academic freedom in the universities degenerated to a state where law lecturers cannot give their opinion about the right and wrong of legal cases?” he asked.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 23:43:34 +0000

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