In WORD today (YAY!)... I was reading and talking to Jesus and - TopicsExpress


In WORD today (YAY!)... I was reading and talking to Jesus and having sweet conversation through grateful tears. Suddenly I felt a contrite heart with-in me and an authentic openness for His guidance when from out of nowhere (in my human mind anyway) a line in one of my songs began to echo through my mind. It said I know that Im not worthy but You keep telling me Im free. It seemed like the very first time I had heard those words and I repeated them out loud over and over and I cried. Does that ever happen to you? Do you hear phrases over and over through out your life and you believe them or you dont, but one day it becomes REALLY real for ya ... like its where you live? That is what happened for me just a few minutes ago and I am prompted to share it. The verse of that song in its entirety says; Holy Spirit Youre my driver, I want to throw away the key. With You I can survive her... (the her in that line is me and my fleshly desires ... I just got that by the way ... I thought I was referring to my late mother ... Im so blind sometimes), ... I can get through anything. Lead me in and close the door, surround me with Your Word and more. Im afraid that Im not worthy, but You keep telling me Im free! So say you dont really get this Jesus thing and a Christian tells you that there is eternal life and eternal death, its a free will choice, YOU chose. This all refers to the spiritual world so right away it sounds foreign, if not totally stupid. They go on to say that the key to eternal life is free, a free gift. They say that you can do nothing to EARN it. Well, I have been following Jesus Christ to the best of my ability and sometimes not to the best of my ability for many years now and today I learned in my conversation with God (as I was reading the Bible) that for sure I am not worthy and for sure He loves me far far FAR beyond my un-worthy-ness! And He loves you also far beyond your comprehension. I can know things with my mind for years but maybe because my heart is hardened to authentic love, for whatever reason, I dont always know the Truth in my heart until I go earnestly seeking it. How bout you? I want to caution you to never believe some man or woman sketching thoughts on fb or anywhere else in such important matters as these. Go look for yourself (thanks for that advice Phil Strout). Love, me. Ephesians 2:8-9 Good News Translation 8-9 For it is by Gods grace that you have been saved through faith. It is not the result of your own efforts, but Gods gift, so that no one can boast about it.
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 16:31:08 +0000

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