In a Florida court case a judge was disqualified because he and - TopicsExpress


In a Florida court case a judge was disqualified because he and the prosecutor were Facebook friends. But you have to wonder whether the same thing would have happened had they simply belonged to the same golf club. Social issues like these will become more complicated as we become more electronically interconnected, and as this digitization happens, businesses will have to be careful not to touch the third rail in their social media marketing efforts. There is also the entire question of whether and how best to integrate the professional contacts known to an individual sales rep or employee with those of your other employees. But handling even simple, ordinary e-social interactions might be difficult, as well, because most of us havent been dealing with social media long enough yet to have a clear idea of the right etiquette. Etiquette cant be legislated or prescribed. It will have to evolve on its own, from the collective decisions and judgments of everyone. Just hypothetically, for instance, suppose you work in one of the field offices of a multi-billion-dollar company. One day your CEO visits the office and meets everyone. Would you send the CEO a LinkedIn invitation to connect or a Facebook friend request? And what if you were the CEO? Would you accept? Should you? I think this and similar social dilemmas will eventually be resolved by the customs and preferences that develop over time, as the situation is faced and dealt with by more and more people. It might eventually be as simple as fitting your own actions to your companys or CEOs individual preferences. Some CEOs will welcome such connections and some will be more standoffish, and the sensible employee will know which type his or her own CEO is before making the attempt.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 19:03:37 +0000

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