In a Post Apocolyptic World Youll Probably See IT ALL - All the - TopicsExpress


In a Post Apocolyptic World Youll Probably See IT ALL - All the Devastation of the Once Proud Human Race Decimated and Degraded, Subjected to Livin On the Very Fringes, Scroungin and Fightin For Anything to Survive, Kickin Ass and Takin No Prisoners... Well, We Aint AT That Stage Yet, but Therea Ltta Rumors Goin On Out There, Enough So To Give Anyone Pause... Word of Advice - No Matter What Ya do To Prepare for IT, If IT Does Come down - Its Gonna Be Hell Out There - So Yad Better Start Learnin How To Survive Here and Now, By Kickin Ass IN ALL You DO - And It ALL Begins In Your Heart... Know This - If Ya Aint Givin Everything You DO a Hundred Percent, Ya Aint Kickin Ass IN Life - And Should Such a Worse Case Scenario Transpire - Chances Of You and Your Loved Ones Survivin Through It ALL Are Slim to None... So Go Out There, Into the World, Durin these Pre Apocolyptic Times and Kick Ass - And Give Your Friends and Loved Ones the Advice and Encouragement For Them to Always Kick Ass - Ya Never Know - Yall Just May End Up the New Road Warriors Out There, Should That Day Ever Come.... ~ Hawk ~
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 16:30:11 +0000

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