In a con3 whr innocent lives have bn lost senselessly, d president - TopicsExpress


In a con3 whr innocent lives have bn lost senselessly, d president and his party has bn busy with all sort of political engagements- sacking service chieves, appointing new minster blaing d opposition, deploying personel threatening govnors of the states under attack & SOE, etc. We have also hrd stateents like: BH is in y cabinet, Enough is Enough! the insurgence will be crushed by April. we are on top of the situation. to mention but a few. One would expect that with the increased rate of terrorist attack and #political stateents fro both the presidency and the president and ilitary chieves (espeially the new ones), we will soon see the end of #INSURGENCY. Then our president shock us......... He went to #NAMIBIA and told them as well as the international community that the FGN had bn treating the insurgency with #KIDGLOVES! HOW HEARTBREAKING! These are y issues 1. in which clan does a president tell d true situation of things to AN OUTSIDER and not to is own people? or is dis another lie? 2. how is it dat till now, the president who is COMMANDER IN CHIEF, has been treating d issue of BH with kidglove? what he waiting for to take it serious? 3. when was he planning to tell us that hed been playing with the lives of innocent Nigerians dying in Bornu, Adaawa Yobe, and others? 4. what moral nerve does he have still seating in and/or ocupying #ASOROCK with such guilt and incopetence? It is bad enuf that our brothers and sisters fathers and mothers sons and daughters copatriots are dying yet the COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE ARMED FORCES have been handling the matter with #kidgloves; but it is even worse that chose #NAMIBIA as a good ground to tell us what he would have tol us directly. I think Mr President has failed in his #1 responsibility-PROTECTION OF LIVES AND PROPERT WITH STATE MACHINERY (which include all forces) and his statement in NAMIBIA is an admittance to that #FAILURE! Since this is Nigeria where people dont know, let alone take the part of honor, may i remind the president that after such #SHAMEFUL admittance of failure, the most honorable thing to do is PACK OUT OF ASO ROCK! I know again, in ds part of the world, once u criticize or point out to govt something that shld be glaring to right thinkers, d immediate reaction is dat U ARE OF THE #OPPOSITION! It is our major problem in dis clan. But I dont care! I am not an affiliate of ANY political party (though i have those im sypathetic to). I AM JUST A CONCERNED NIGERIAN ASKING THAT I BE WELL GOVERNED!
Posted on: Sat, 22 Mar 2014 19:40:05 +0000

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