In a couple of days, I will be turning 21. Yes. And as I mark a - TopicsExpress


In a couple of days, I will be turning 21. Yes. And as I mark a new chapter in my life, I have been told by many that this is indeed a time for reflection. Not the ‘why-am-I-not-as-rich-as-Dangote?’, or ‘as-handsome-as-Bisola’ reflection that most folks have, but more of the deeper, foundational reflections. What is my purpose? For what have I been in good health and reasonable wealth? Have I contributed? Ki ni anfani mi? For most people at this stage, and with my upbringing, the default is to revert to Church! So, accordingly, I will be sharing the thoughts that recently follow me to bed, and wake me up in the morning. I hope they bless you. Today, Get Jesus in your boat. Luke 5: 5-7 5 Simon answered, “Master, we’ve worked hard all night and haven’t caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets.” 6 When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their nets began to break. 7 So they signaled their partners in the other boat to come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they began to sink. This is my interpretation: Simon was a fisherman and had his own boat i.e. at one point he was doing well and had enough money to get his own boat. On that day, he had gone to fish but came back empty i.e. he was toiling without result. He parked his boat at the shore during the day i.e. while others were at work earning meaningful wages; he was without resources and was giving up… And then Jesus chose and entered his boat i.e. it was not his doing but Grace. Jesus asked him to cast out i.e. we must continue to try and not give up. And you know what happened? His nets were so full he had to call other boats i.e. he became blessed and in turn was a blessing to others My take? At all times, be ready to let Jesus into your boat! What is your situation? Where have you been? Where are you? Where do you hope to be? These are the thoughts that keep most middle-agers awake and restless. But I am here to share with you a profound solution to your situation:- There will only be one Dangote There will only be one Soyinka There will only be one D’Banj Maybe 2 or 3 Kim Kardashians, but There will only be one you. Extending my interpretation further, I am of the opinion that if you let God use you; if you trust Him; if you let Him into your boat; and listen; He will bless you You will become a blessing. You will be the you you were meant to be. This is my prayer for us.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Jul 2014 08:08:47 +0000

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