In a day like this, it is important that I should ponder a little - TopicsExpress


In a day like this, it is important that I should ponder a little and reflect on my achievements and failure. In a special way I give God all the glory for his love, protection, favour, sound health and longevity shown to me from the beginning of time till date. To my parents who brought me to this world, to my friends and well wishers who have contributed to the height I Am today, I say bravo to you all. Also, to my close associates who have sent numerous text messages and birthday wishes to me I love you all. I pray that the blessings that follow birthday will be your portion in Jesus Name Amen. To the people I have failed, wronged and trampled upon in the course of achieving greatness please accept my apology. I dedicate todays birthday and other birthdays to come to the orphans, widows, the oppressed and downtrodden in the society, I owe you my time, money and all the good things life can give. Moreso, to my anticipating wife and children, dad is working assiduously through the help of God to put something on ground for you. Finally, I pray for peace, unity and stability of our country Nigeria. I pray also for our political leaders, may God give them the grace to lead Nigeria to a greater height Amen. Happy birthday to myself .
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 10:00:17 +0000

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