In a few weeks Ill be off of full disability for the first time - TopicsExpress


In a few weeks Ill be off of full disability for the first time since May 29th. It has been a long and painful road back and although I still feel disabled I welcome the challenges of getting back to work. Do I wish I had never got on that red white and blue Harley and jumped 29 buses? Yes,...........oh wait that was Evel Kneivel. Seriously though I do wish I hadnt try to swim with that stingray off the coast of Australia? ,.......oh wait that was Steve Irwin. In all seriousness though I do wish I hadnt tried to free base cocaine and caught myself on fire and ran down the street..........oh wait that was Richard Pryer. Obviously Im incapable of being serious even for a second but would like to take a moment to thank all my friends and family for all the help and encouragement over the past summer . Especially my fellow band members who have had to haul extra equipment and do extra work because of my injury. Im not a 100% yet and I may never be again but Ive come a long way and God willing Ill get there. Most of all I appreciate all the positive energy and kindness displayed by everyone I know ,throughout this ordeal. Ive got an armful of stainless steel hardware and screws and a cool scar to remind me to be more careful, I just wish I had a cool story to go with it. Finally my awesome wife who has been amazing throughout this very challenging time for both of us . She not only did everything for me but took up my slack at work like a champ. I find myself looking at her in utter amazement lately and marveling at how smart and truly gifted she is. I dont think I ever even imagined she was capable of physically doing my job but damn if she didnt . I absolutely adore this woman and I am so proud of her. Just when I think I couldnt possibly love her any more than I already do she pulls another rabbit out of her hat every single time and makes everything better. Thanks again everyone , I really hope I can somehow repay everyones kindness and pay it forward one day as Ive always tried to do. Anyone who knows me is aware that I have a terrible memory but I do remember all the people who have been there for me and that will never change.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Sep 2014 13:27:29 +0000

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