In a letter from Ronnie: Democracy... What are your thoughts on - TopicsExpress


In a letter from Ronnie: Democracy... What are your thoughts on the subject? Do you even have any? Do you realize that the most basic principles of true democracy are that MAJORITY rule... Not special interests? Have you forgotten? Have the great wells of Democracy, that our founding forefathers dug over two centuries ago, ran dry? I think not! But, they certainly need to be reprimed. A few years ago this seemed to be my mission in life. Are you aware that for the most part, your everyday life is CONTROLLED by special interest groups? Most people dont. I certainly didnt until I was catapulted into the political arena. What an awakening I received. Perhaps that is the purpose of all of this, so that I can get a full perspective of our country from the bottom up? Perhaps I have acquired, or will acquire, some knowledge along this, seemingly, senseless journey that will afford me the opportunity to better convey a message to the PEOPLE that will resignate in a much more profound way, than ever before? Perhaps, no one would listen anyway? I dont know. However, I do know, at one point in South Alabama the bells of democracy were ringing loud and clear. That is... Until I gave into POLITICAL pressure. I felt as if I had no choice. I had a project where investors, myself included, had tens of millions of dollars invested. Over a thousand jobs work were at stake. And the dreams of a life time were about to be shattered. Our project and this dream was closed. I circame to the economic pressure created by POLITICS I almost sold my soul. And lost my mind in the process. Why not? I lost everything else. By the grace of God I was able to cling to my soul,and for the same, my mental faculties are starting to come back to me now. Back to the bells of DEMOCRACY in South Alabama. Dont be misled by this disingenuiness leaders saying theyre the reason for such a movement they had NOTHING to do with it other than jumping on board after they realize they had no other choice. That my friend is democracy in its purest form! You the People had EVERYTHING to do with it! For the first time, in a very long time, all different types of PEOPLE came together presenting a UNIFIED front that REFUSED to be defeated! The do-nothingism attitude was non-existent. You simply demanded to be and where heard. You made a big difference for a period of time. Im sorry that if I was who failed you the people. I gave in to POLITICS. Over the last few weeks I received numerous letters from friends and a good bit of them lead into the topic of POLITICS, upcoming elections, what this candidate said, what that one said, whos backing this one, how that one is going to need to raise more money to win, etc. etc.. Please stop and think about what you are now doing. Dont misunderstand, I am thrilled that so many of you, for the first time in your life, are now political activist, but you too are slowly becoming POLITICAL. The idea of DEMOCRACY that was set forth by our forefathers was not, whoever raises the most money wins the election.. And then.. Whoever wins the election will spend his or her entire time in office answering to, and pleasing the ones who wrote the fattest checks for their campaign. Campaign promises to the PEOPLE are very soon forgotten..In most cases anyway. There are some (very few) that actually remember who really elected them. No my friends thats not what our forefathers had in mind. But.. Who did you elect? Do you know? No, because over 90 percent of you were just like me, you saw the TV ads, you heard the radio ads,you saw all the social media puffering, etc. etc. etc., and you voted on who had the coolest ads, or maybe recognition (who you saw and heard the most) and guess what, in most cases thats you spent the most money. We jump up and down, give each other high fives, kiss our spouses, etc. etc., because OUR candidate won. The problem is is OUR candidates soon forget that he or she is supposed to be ours and represent whats in our best interest... Not there special interest campaign contributors. And, whats worse than THEM forgetting... WE, do too! Before long theyre at the capital playing the game and were back here without a concern in the world because we know, Thats our candidate and theyre going to do whats the best for us so we dont give it another thought. WRONG! My friends complacency is NOT an option. Doing nothing is not an option. That is if you would really like to get our state and country back on the right path. Special interest or privilege groups rarely give up their privileges voluntarily without pressure. The idea of DEMOCRACY has to be DRAMATIZED until it can no longer be ignored by ELECTED leaders. It will require strong, persistent, and determined action in order to be successful. For the sake of our children, our parents, our country, I pray that someone steps up and starts ringing the bell of DEMOCRACY... Before its too late. A difference can be made. Dr King once said, (Injustice Anywhere is a threat to Justice Everywhere) whats going on, in our state in our country is an injustice! Just as Dr. King did, way back then, has to be taken. I have absolute FAITH in you as a PEOPLE but just as it says in the scripture, (Faith without action is dead.) The true MAJORITY in this nation today are oppressed. Our elected officials pretrending to represent us ensure their special interest groups the ability to continue to be the oppressor. Oppressed people cannot remain oppressed for ever. Now is the time for the RENEGADE to step out. Throughout history it has always been the one who is willing to break through the paralyzing chains of the conformity who has always made the biggest difference. I pray that he or she steps up! And after that step is made, a radical, unified, social movement takes place like never before. Why is it in such difficult times is it that a strong man becomes average, and average man becomes weak, and a weak man becomes a coward? The true renegade will restore and increase your strength and belief that not only in the cause but also yourself. find your renegade and then support them with a burning passion that refuses to be defeated! TOGETHER, yall can bring about real change! DEMOCRACY was my war cry for several years. I pray the chant can be started again. Please dont let our dreams for children die! The wells of Democracy are still full. You just have to turn the pump on. ronniegilleytruth
Posted on: Sun, 10 Nov 2013 23:25:59 +0000

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