In a matter of days, weeks and months this battle about who steers - TopicsExpress


In a matter of days, weeks and months this battle about who steers the ship on the Plateau will be decided leaving us all with the task and responsibility of holding hands together to offer very credible follower-ship to whoever emerges by the will of the people expressed via the ballot box irrespective of the political platform. I am amazed that the social media which is suppose to be an engine room of intellectual discourse is being used to promote sentiments that will not in any way play any significant role in moving Plateau State to greater heights.The population of social media users is the youth and as leaders of tomorrow we expect to see that leadership trait being reflected in our contributions and submissions. Please lets refrain from contributions that will not add value to the Plateau Dream. Mind you its only a contest with only a candidate emerging at the end of it all. While i reaffirm my commitment and unflinching believe in my campaign slogan of PUT PLATEAU FIRST let it be placed on record that my aspiration is borne out of an ardent desire and conviction in taking Plateau to the next level based on my level of exposure, tact and skill as exhibited in previous appointments i have held within the public and private sector. These are not moments for the tribal jingoist to begin to sound the tantrums of sectionalism nor is the moment of political jobbers and rumuor mongers to begin to peddle unfounded and unsubstantiated allegations of people being sponsored by God knows who. It is a solemn moment for every true and worthy son of the Plateau to begin to seek Gods face while critically examining the personality and pedigree of every candidate presenting him or herself for the elections. Remember according to Socrates Extraordinary situations demand extra ordinary solutions. Therefore i am not calling on you to entrust me with your mandate because i am a mwaghavul man, someone from Plateau central senatorial district or a Christian rather as a full fledged Plateau citizen who possess the requisite qualifications and pedigree to effectively and properly govern Plateau State. In a short moment i will publish an abridged version of my cv to enable you make an informed decision. Fellow Plateau citizens, Insanity they say is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. lets break away from the era of Pull Him down Syndrome and focus on WHERE NEXT we want to take Plateau State to. Thank you and may God bless us all.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 07:34:39 +0000

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