In a nation of 1.2 billion people we have no men and women of - TopicsExpress


In a nation of 1.2 billion people we have no men and women of stature, people who can walk tall and make you admire them.Is it any wonder then that you have a little over a month to go for the saga to begin and not one manifesto from the major parties, just malice and bad-mouthing.It has never been such a circus, not even in the worst of times. Corruption, that old buddy, is now in the gym, gaining muscle mass and the touts are out in all their splendour. Our institutions are crumbling like the Lutyens’ buildings from the days of the empire. Our guns don’t work, planes don’t fly, ships sink and TV pundits gobble like turkeys, making a pudding out of issues, trivialising survival, their inanity like Xylocaine, wiping out all sensation. Indeed, we are a nation on a drip, anesthetised by our own idiocy, tumbling towards the cliff like lemmings. Rahul Gandhi, Narendra Modi, Arvind Kejriwal, stop a minute, will you? Where are you taking this country? Gentlemen, you owe us that answer.... or else stop that raucous music and don’t sit on those chairs.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 08:00:57 +0000

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