In a previous post we provided 53 bible quotes, and a further 12 - TopicsExpress


In a previous post we provided 53 bible quotes, and a further 12 logical points, to illustrate that the Bible makes it very clear that there was indeed a global flood As the Bible makes numerous references to a global flood, the Bible is all we need to conclusively decide on the matter. There is no need to appeal to Science, to overturn what the Bible says, or to provide support to what the Bible says. The most important thing is to Believe what God tells us, because He was there when it happened and He orchestrated it all. we need to be careful not to make science the 67th book of the Bible, and then use this new Epistle of Science to reinterpret the rest of scripture. Nevertheless, for pure information sake only, here are 22 scientific reasons which I believe support what God has told us in the bible. SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE FOR A GLOBAL FLOOD 1. The burial of fossil deposits worldwide had to have occurred in a catastrophic event. Only massive flooding could bury in such a fashion. 2. Marine fossils can be found on the crests of mountains. Apart from mountain uplifting, this can also be explained as the marine animals being washed there and then buried. A global flood could do this. 3. Mountain-high water level marks found throughout the world are consistent with the recession of a global flood. 4. The uplift of the major mountain ranges are relatively young, based on evolutionary chronology. If the long-age evolutionary time scale is ignored, these processes would have occurred in the very recent past - ie as a result of the flood cataclysm. 5. There is a worldwide distribution of most of the fossil types, indicating transportation on a global scale by a global flood. 6. Worldwide, fossils from different ages are often found in the wrong order. This indicates a global mixing of fossils as a consequence of a global flood. 7. Fossil graveyards are found worldwide, and in rocks of all ages. Only a catastrophic global flood could achieve this. 8. Polystrate fossils (viz. vertical fossil tree trunks spanning through numerous geological layers) are found worldwide and indicate turbulent or rapid deposition of all the layers (as all layers had to be still soft in order for the tree trunk to penetrate vertically through them). A global flood would be required to do this worldwide. 9. Polystrate fossils also form when water-logged timber sinks in a large body of water. A year long global flood could produce worldwide polystrate fossils formed in this way. 10. Animal tracks and other ephemeral markings (ripple-marks and raindrop imprints) have been preserved throughout the geological column. Rapid covering of these markings is required for this preservation worldwide - ie. by a global flood. 11. Hadrosaurs (duck-billed dinosaurs) have been found in marine sediments in Montana’s Bear Paw Shale. Nodosaurus (armoured dinosaurs) fossils have been found lying upside down in marine sediments. In 2011 the skeleton of an Ankylosaurus was discovered in Tar Sands near Fort McMurray, Alberta. This was another big surprise because the sands are marine sediments which have already yielded fossils of marine reptiles (mosasaurus). These are only a few examples of land creatures buried in marine sediments, but the frequency and large geographic extent of such finds points to a major watery catastrophe, rather than accidental transport of carcasses hundreds of kilometers out into the open sea. This is especially true since even large carcasses, including bones, are rapidly consumed by many oceanic critters, as evidenced by the absence of fish and whale skeletons on the ocean bottom. 12. Dinosaur footprints and eggs are found all over the world. Only a rapid burial or covering of their footprints (which are typically in a dead straight line) and eggs (laid under stress) during catastrophic conditions can explain the preservation of footprints marks and fragile eggs that would have been originally imprinted / deposited on soft mud as the flood waters rose and Tsuanmi after Tsunami barraged the dry land during the initial stages of the flood. The fact that these are found all over the world, form Australia to Korea, and from Canada to Sth Africa, is strong evidence for the Global flood. 13. Jellyfish Fossils have been found in various places all around the world including USA and Australia. For Jellyfish to become fossils they had to be buried in sand which would later become sandstone and more importantly, it had to be buried in such a manner that its detail was preserved. This means rapid burial during catastrophic conditions, as there would be nothing left of the jellyfish if sediments slowly covered it over a long period of time. The preservation of fossils of soft-bodied creatures, particularly Jellyfish, represents a huge problem for uniformitarian/evolutionary views. The jellyfish fossil are dated as supposedly existing half a billion years ago (upper Cambrian strata), yet many of the fossilized Jellyfish have a relative alive today that is almost indistinguishable from its fossil form – no change over the entire evolutionary course of multicellular life on earth. Charles Darwin did not expect to find fossils of soft-bodied animals. He is famously quoted as saying “No organism wholly soft can be preserved”, in Chapter IX of Origin of Species. 14. Human palaeontological evidence exists even in the earliest geologic ages (ex. human footprints in Cambrian, Carboniferous, and Cretaceous rocks). If the layers of rock were laid down by a global flood and then interpreted as evolutionary long-ages, human remains and artefacts would appear to be in such positions. 15. Similar geologic formations exist in rocks of all ages (eg rifts, folds, faults, thrusts, etc.). These can just as easily be explained as being created in the same cataclysmic global event. 16. Studies show that much of the worlds folded beds of sediment have no compression fractures, indicating that they were contorted while they were still wet and soft. For this to occur on a global scale, and on sediment thousands of metres thick, it would have required a catastrophic global flood. 17. There is an absence of physical evidence that indicates a time change between rocks of successive ages. Sedimentary rock layers worldwide appear to have been laid down very quickly, as by a global flood. 18. Globally, there is an almost complete absence of any evidence of animal and plant root activity within the tiny layers of sediment. Slowly deposited layers should show this activity, flood deposits wouldnt. 19. All types of rocks (eg limestone, shale, granite, etc) occur in all geologic ages. This indicates a common formation on a global scale - the situation that would have been created by the mixing of sediment in a global flood. 20. Meteorites are basically absent from the geologic column. With the large number of meteorites hitting the earth each year, they should be very plentiful throughout the sedimentary rocks - unless much of the worlds sedimentary rocks were laid down in one year. 21. Some desert areas show evidence of recent water bodies. Water from a recent global flood would remain in large pools (bodies of water) for some time before evaporating. 22. There is a universal occurrence of rivers in valleys too large for the present stream. Slow erosion over millions of years could not have created these valleys as the mountains would have eroded, keeping pace with the valley erosion. The drainage of global flood-waters from the land surface could easily create such wide valleys in a short period of time.
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 13:07:47 +0000

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