In a stirring speech delivered at the annual Bet El Institutions - TopicsExpress


In a stirring speech delivered at the annual Bet El Institutions dinner earlier this week, former Arkansas Governor and US Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee said that the United States should immediately cease its funding to the Palestinian Authority (PA) and allocate the same amount to housing for Jews in Judea and Samaria (AKA the West Bank). “The Palestinians have refused to acknowledge the existence of Israel, and continue to teach in their schools that the Jews are targets for murder. This should be so unacceptable that the United States should send a simple message: Until the Palestinians are willing to acknowledge not only the right of Israel to exist, but until it tears every page of every textbook that has that kind of anti-Semitic, hateful, unacceptable, violent language within the textbooks for children - then not only will the US not support any type of negotiation, but the US will cease immediately to send another dime of support to the PA or to Gaza. And the money that would have been given will now go to send concrete to Israel so they can build new apartment buildings and neighborhoods throughout Judea and Samaria...” In his speech, Huckabee questioned why the US government gets angry over construction of homes in the disputed territories. “If anything, our government should be encouraging Israel to build as many bedrooms as can be in Samaria, Judea and throughout the Land of Israel and especially in the capital of Israel, Jerusalem,” he declared.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 04:40:23 +0000

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