In a vain attempt to get decent reporting on the situation in - TopicsExpress


In a vain attempt to get decent reporting on the situation in Ukraine, I have been dipping into that swamp of mediocrity (breaking away from talking to a US general about the crisis in the Ukraine to bring Oscar Red Carpet news) and fawning deference to the establishment: CNN. So, the ads for their upcoming unscripted series about Chicago and Obamas former aid Rahm have been unavoidable. Supposedly about the struggles in the Windy City as Rahm attacks teachers and closes schools and rams his agenda of corporate reform down the throats of the citizens of Chicago. (That should make clear my sympathies!) The series is co-produced by Robert Redford, who had this to say about Rahm: The vibrant culture and opportunities inherent in this 21st-century, world-class city run alongside profound daily challenges. Much of it falls on the shoulders of its tough, visionary mayor, his team and people doing heroic work in neighborhoods throughout the city. It seems mandatory: all change and improvement of human affairs, indeed ALL virtue is accorded to strong, individual LEADERS. No wonder billionaires and mere multi-millionaires are contemptuous of the 49% who are takers. Every positive trend in human history and culture is the result of solitary strong Leaders. It is the Great Man Theory of History taken local. That approach to history, by the way, is about as discredited amongst actual and serious historians as it is possible for any thesis to be. Stay tuned to CNN for hero-worship? chicagotribune/entertainment/ct-cnn-chicagoland-documentary-20140222,0,1353440.story
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 14:35:21 +0000

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