In a world full of anger and hate one person in my life has always - TopicsExpress


In a world full of anger and hate one person in my life has always risen up above that . That person is my Nan . Tomorrow is my Nans birthday and the actual age is irrelevant as unless your waiting for your 18th or 21st or maybe a telegram from the queen on your centenary age is just a meaningless number . As a child I loved nothing more than to sit on my Nans lap as she sat in her chair . I had better not try that now as unfortunately I would break her into pieces . Even all the kings horses that put humpty back together again wouldnt be of any use . Every Saturday Nan and Grandad would come watch my soccer games and without fail every week I would ask if I could stay over . I used to get so upset when the answer was sometimes a no . I guess I didnt understand I wasnt the only Grandchild and that maybe just maybe Nan wanted a peaceful bloody night without pesky kids. But when we did stay I loved every moment of it even if they didnt watch The Dukes of Hazard but rather more shows like To the manor born and yes minister . The tv didnt matter as the supply of lemonade , lollies and crisps never seemed to run out . When it was time for bed strict instructions were levelled out to us that we couldnt enter the lounge room until 8am. I dont think Ben and I ever made it past 6.30 am. We was marched back to bed and what seemed like every 5 minutes Ben would ask is it 8 am yet . Finally 8 am came around and thus meant a full cooked breakfast of bacon and sausages and toast . We never got breakfast like this at home so we made the most of it. Before too long though and always before we was ready to leave we were bundled into Nans little blue hatchback car and driven home . Now one thing my Nan can do better than any other person Ive met is cook a roast and bake an apple pie . My Nans roast potatoes and gravy are so good that Im sure even Jamie Oliver or Gordon Ramsey couldnt better the taste . Every Christmas and in the weeks leading up to the day my Nan would get things cooked and prepared for a family Christmas . Im glad now that other members of the family do the return favour for her so she can enjoy the day stress free. It might sound funny but I as a 40 year old man look forward to my birthday every year . Not for turning a year older but to simply receive the singing telegram call from the lady in Beijing that some how sounds suspiciously like my Nan . I will never ever tire of that call and Im sure there is many more calls to come . Maybe for her actual birthday I should go through the Beijing phone book and ring the telegram lady and get a surprise call put through to my Nan . I could go on for hours about my Nan and like every Grandchild I believe my Nan to be the best ever . I know Im not wrong on that count . Wishing you the happiest of birthdays Nan
Posted on: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 07:00:18 +0000

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