In a world of infinite possibilities,choices, and - TopicsExpress


In a world of infinite possibilities,choices, and combinations,there has never been,nor will there ever be,anyone like you.You may breathe like every-one and talk like most,but your fingerprints are unmatched and your eyes retina is distinct.You are an energy being like every-one and yet everyone is not like you. Is this scary? I dont think so.I think its fascinating.What I think is Scary is that many of us dont let our uniqueness show.We dont live the lives we were born to live.We dont tap that unique power source inside us.Each one of us is born with a purpose.Each one of us has a unique source of energy to give to the world.It is a gift.When that gift is given to the world we see presents very-where-Micheal Jordan playing basketball, Mozart composing music, Nicole Kidman and Jodie Foster acting, Michelangelo painting, Mia Hamm playing Soccer,and Caroline Myss giving a lecture about energy.The list goes on... But what about the millions of people who dont let their energy shine? Their gifts are still undiscovered in the depth of miserable jobs and unhappy lives.Their light is clouded by the darkness of resentment.Hidden by the desire to fit in and be like everyone else.Masked by settling for a paycheck and the status quo How about you? Do you let your energy shine? Or are your gifts still hidden to yourself and the world? Do you know what makes you unique and different? No matter what your gift is it is important to discover it and believe in it.When you let your energy shine,you unleash an awesome amount of energy that fuels your life and the lives of many others ~ JON GORDON
Posted on: Fri, 11 Apr 2014 20:23:29 +0000

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