In a world of instant gratification and surface beauty, bearing - TopicsExpress


In a world of instant gratification and surface beauty, bearing fruit that will last. In the modern world, measurements matter. Newspapers and magazines offer infographics. Congress passes legislation mandating measurable results. And Christians are no strangers to the modern tendency to provide a chart or graph, a documented data set, to demonstrate effectiveness (or lack thereof) in ministry or in life. Data, in and of itself, can be used for great good. It can help us identify areas of need. It can help us recognize ineffective programs. It can help us provide feedback for ineffective workers. Jesus himself refers to data as a way to measure results. In the parable of the sower, for instance, he says, “But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.” Similarly, in Jesus’ parable of the ten minas, the master commends the servants who have doubled their money. It seems simple. Successful ministry is kind of like successful business. The profit multiplies. But I suspect most Christians know that “success” isn’t always that easy to measure. Jesus himself lost followers on the heels of “hard teachings.” The church went through seasons of persecution when numbers dwindled. I think of the pastor of our church in a small rural Connecticut town. She is a gifted leader, teacher, and pastor. Although her presence has provided the church with stability, given the cultural climate of New England these days, its no surprise that growth is slow-going at best in our congregation. It’s not hard to imagine her being more “successful” in a town more culturally open to Christianity. I for one am incredibly grateful ... Continue reading... #Manila #News #Asia
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 01:12:08 +0000

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