In a world were our governments take us for granted not just in - TopicsExpress


In a world were our governments take us for granted not just in the uk but all over the world, we have the situation with Islamic state, there are kids dying of starvation and dehydration. It is no wonder that we as humans get sucked into the rat race of the commercialised world and forget that the simple things in life are the most precious. When we pass on a smile (which is just a nice way of saying be nice to as many people as you can) it can lift a persons soul and in return that person will have an effect on people they come into contact with. You see no matter who we are or the life we lead, the religion we follow or the money we have, the thing we all have in common is life is hard, we love and we lose. What Ive found in the past year is the world isnt all bad, I have made a CONSCIOUS effort to try and live my life selflessly and because I did it brought me all of you and some very special people into my life. As many or all of you know I suffer depression and I stopped my medication possible 7 months ago now. This page has helped me a lot to stay focused on positives and niceness when it would have been easy to give in. A lot of you have shared problems with me which I am happy to try and help or just be an ear. Its an honour and a privilege. I get linked into things, I receive messages that always seem to come at the right time for me and I see statuses that make me smile. Most of my quotes all come from all of you. What Im trying to say is thank you! To everyone! I kept this a profile instead of a page because I wanted it personal. It is never about likes or shares. I would rather have all you guys and girls than 10 million likes to a page. Change one thing pass on a smile. X
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 20:31:29 +0000

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