In advance: Thank you for your indulgence in my rant & forgive me. - TopicsExpress


In advance: Thank you for your indulgence in my rant & forgive me. Rarely, in the moment, do I have the right words or correct response when Im confronted with incredulous, astonishing and/or mean-spirited discourse. This time I did. Id like to think its because I havent had to practice this skill too often or that silence is often the best response. But sometimes not speaking up makes one guilty by omission, apathy and/or fear. Im very guilty of this cowardice & lack of backbone & strength of character! However, this time I had the presence of mind and articulation to say fully what was on my mind. And you know what? It felt good & right. Its also what I tried to teach my children to do although I rarely employ for myself. This is in response to someones comments to seeing a news clip of the celebration that took place in Oakland when the vote to ban gay marriage was overturned. Oh look another riot in Oakland! Typical! tsking and clucking her tongue. Thats not a riot but a celebration I corrected. Oh yeah right! Those people are rioting and contributing to Oaklands horrible reputation! No, its not! Its not even a peaceful demonstration! Its a celebration! & last I checked our constitution says we can do both of those things! Whereupon I was riddled with anit-gay rhetoric filled with, in my humble opinion, hate, ignorance, mean-spirited comments about them & their kind & those like me who support them (arent we still us, not them and us?) & then it went downhill from their. My character, my intelligence, my knowledge of the bible and Gods way were brought into question and annihilated. Not even a lets agree to disagree mentality, but a slippery slope to all of my perceived shortcomings and faults. I began with a bland vanilla response, Well to each his own, but I do feel I need to speak up and express my umbrage and ask that my opinions are at least heard when I want to defend or explain something I believe in. I heard you, now you can hear me. to which this person says, Oh you know what I mean. Youre just being difficult, as usual. When youre really just dumb. You know what I mean. to which I replied, No I dont. Defend & explain your convictions, but allow me the same. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Take responsibility for your words, beliefs and actions. To which there was more of the same belittling of my intelligence and that Im weak and stupid. And that shes not the only one who feels this way about this subject and me. Youd be surprised to know how many people feel like I do about you! Then I calmly said, after the insults began to subside, Well, today is not your day to criticize & judge me or to educate me on the popular opinion of me. Its not your day to ride me or look for trouble and fault. Today is not your day to be mean-spirited and bad mouthing. And tomorrows not looking good either! Today is a day Ive chosen to see the good in others and to get along, to be kind and generous. Join me wont you! Then I reminded this person of T-H-I-N-K Is it true? helpful or hurtful? Important? Nice, Necessary, Nasty? Kind? to which I was told Youre the one who makes me feel this way you know! ok, so now Im getting more You made me statements. I just said, Other peoples low and bad opinion of me is absolutely none of my business. Im busy loving and being loved by those who really know me. to which I was interrupted with, well its people you only think like you & youd be surprised! like that was a victorious statement. Again, not your day, and tomorrows not looking good either. Im done here. And then I got some distance and prayed for this person. And for me to remain quiet now. It was difficult!!! (again, sorry for the rant & forgive me!)
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 22:24:19 +0000

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