In all of the recent national events involving Police Officers - TopicsExpress


In all of the recent national events involving Police Officers making judgement calls in true life or death situations, many of my friends have conflicting views on the justification of the actions of the police. As the wife of a deputy, I am appalled at some of the statements that many of my friends have made. You think you know all the details of an event, but the cold hard truth is: 1. You are only seeing the story from the perspective of the media. ( you dont know and cant know all the FACTS) 2. Remember that Police Officers, much like the military chose a profession that puts their own safety at risk for YOUR protection. And the media will never do a story about how a Deputy or Police Officer positively impacted the life of someone, simply by doing their job. Nope, the media where you get all of your information, would never share a positive story about a cop, because there is no story there, no drama to stir an emotional response. 3. Many of these criminals whom you dont know and defend as if they are victims, are people who if the police didnt do their job, would put YOU and YOUR FAMILY at risk and in harms way. And then if you were put in that same life or death situation as a responding police have to do, would defend yourself only to then become demonized in the eyes of some (the media) for doing so. 4. My husband has been put in many situation where he had to make a life or death call, as all police officers do, before you unfairly JUGDE and post your negative remarks about something you think you understand. Please remember that role of the Police Officer, Deputy, or Patrolman is to keep our communities safe. And most importantly, for me, remember that cops have wives, husbands, parents, and children who worry every single day about the safety and well-being of their beloved cop who goes to work every day knowing it could be the last day of their lives! Think for yourself people! And show some respect for the men and women in the law enforcement community who risk their lives on a daily basis for YOUR safety and security.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:57:00 +0000

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