In all the years most people think I lectured about wild foods, - TopicsExpress


In all the years most people think I lectured about wild foods, that was never what I was really talking about at all. I discussed some of the ways Native Americans adapted seasonally to their environment, and how that adaptation evolved from hunter-gatherer societies to settled farmers, and eventually to urbanized specialists. The foods were a prop...a learning tool to show the public. Sure, I discussed various plant parts that were edible or useful for textiles or medicine or construction. My main focus, however, was to explain how people were able to utilize what their environment provided, and how they learned to manipulate that environment by eventually clearing land and intentionally planting seeds, and ultimately becoming masters at hybridizing them. That is why I would display wild berries in a mussel shell, and wild plums in a turtle shell, for example. A mixture of hardwood nuts might be spread out on an animal hide. The seeds or leaves of chenopodium or amaranth might fill a wooden bowl, while persimmons filled a basket. Squash would stand alone, but corn and beans would be displayed in pots. None of this was happenstance, it was designed to reflect that the household tools developed along with the food extractive practices. I discussed the specimens in a more or less chronological order, from hunter-gatherer fare to hybridized field crops, in an effort to show the technological progress of an early mother civilization. The crowds are most interested in Can you eat that? But I think they learn something more when they hear my whole talk. I can speak solely about wild edibles, but lots of people do that. When I started doing this there were very few books and basically no college courses on the subject, so I learned what I could as I could. Today there are many of both. Progress has passed me by. Ive had the opportunity to speak at several respected universities on this subject, so in any case...not bad for a college dropout, huh? I should consider lecturing more, now that Im retired and have the time.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 07:36:17 +0000

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