In an article called Why Do People Hate Israel? by Dennis Prager, - TopicsExpress


In an article called Why Do People Hate Israel? by Dennis Prager, he begins by asking why, with so many of the injustices elsewhere, the world targets its criticisms at Israel, which is among the most humane and free countries on the planet. Moreover, it is the only country in the world that is threatened with annihilation. Hmm, thats funny. When they are pounding Gaza into oblivion, Zionists claim they are threatened with annihilation. Heres the article ---> jewishjournal/dennis_prager/article/why_do_people_hate_israel Prager continues: Why... is the world preoccupied with 600-some Palestinians [now 1400 killed, 8000 injured] killed as a direct result of their firing thousands of missiles in order to kill as many Israelis as possible? Answer: Perhaps its because only a couple of Israeli civilians have actually been harmed? While most of the Palestinian casualties have been civilians? vox/2014/7/30/5937119/palestinian-civilian-casualties-gaza-israel Israel is one of the foremost military powers in the world. It is in no danger. This is like a thug pummeling an old lady. It offends our natural sense of justice. No, Prager explains. Criticism is due to the leftist bias against Western countries. Israel is rich, strong and Western; the Palestinians are poor, weak and non-Western. What happened to the Jewish tradition of championing the underdog? Only when the underdog is not under their feet. Prager says the other reason Israel is hated is because it is Jewish and Jews are the Chosen people. You see, actual Zionist behavior has nothing to do with the hatred Israel inspires. For example, the head of a UN school where women and children were sheltering gave their GPS coordinates to the IDF 17 times, yet the IDF destroyed the school anyway, killing sixteen people and injuring 160 others. washingtonpost/world/israel-presses-attack-16-killed-at-un-school/2014/07/30/4a643588-17a5-11e4-85b6-c1451e622637_story.html?tid=pm_world_pop The UN official broke down in tears on TV. Wounded babies have died because Israel bombed the power plant and cut off power to their incubators. https://youtube/watch?v=iFd8jVrbf0A&app=desktop Couldnt this be the reason people hate Israel? Seeing Israelis celebrate this slaughter? rt/news/176372-israel-racist-chant-gaza/ 87% of Israelis support Netanyahus actions. washingtonpost/world/middle_east/israelis-support-netanyahu-and-gaza-war-despite-rising-deaths-on-both-sides/2014/07/29/0d562c44-1748-11e4-9349-84d4a85be981_story.html No, Israels critics must be anti-Semites. What about penning 1.6 million people up in an open air concentration camp after stealing their property? In its paranoia, the Zionists likely provoked the latest confrontation by killing those teenagers themselves and then launching a crackdown on Palestinians. intifada-palestine/2014/07/turns-hamas-didnt-kidnap-kill-3-israeli-teens/ The false flag always has been their MO. Israel does not want peace. It wants land. realjewnews/?p=809 So periodically, it mows the lawn, cutting back the Palestinian ability to resist. But, no, this is not the reason they are hated. Nor are Zionists hated for serving the Illuminati bankers, buying all the politicians and media, and taking over the governments of the West. Americans, French, British, Germans now all need national homelands. The Zionists have taken over theirs. Im glad Dennis Prager set me straight. I was under the delusion that Zionists were hated for helping to start every major war in the 20th century and setting us up for World War Three in the Ukraine. No, Zionists are misunderstood. [That was sarcasm, by the way.] Prager says people are trying to annihilate Israel. Isnt it the other way round? Im sure the NeoCons and Mossad are partly responsible for the murder-mayhem in Libya, Syria, Iraq and the Ukraine. washingtonsblog/2012/11/israel-and-the-u-s-created-hamas-hezbollah-and-other-terrorists-via-blowback.html I dont think the majority of Jews, or even Zionists are privy to this larger agenda. They are easier to manipulate if they believe theyre hated for a host of flattering reasons as Prager tells them. Some Jews are standing up and disassociating from this agenda. washingtonsblog/2014/07/jews-stage-massive-anti-war-protests-tel-aviv-new-york-elsewhere.html But are they enough to escape the hatred Zionists are engendering?
Posted on: Thu, 31 Jul 2014 14:56:15 +0000

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