In an attempt to delegitimize the massacre in Gaza, many Zionists - TopicsExpress


In an attempt to delegitimize the massacre in Gaza, many Zionists have drawn comparisons between it and the massacre in Syria. This is my response to them. Muslims and all humanitarians have thoroughly condemned the evil actions of Bashar al Assad, and every other dictator who has ruthlessly massacred innocent people throughout the world. But while al Assad is condemned and deplored by the Western World for his barbaric slaughter of the Syrian people, Netanyahu is praised for his. The reason why people have resolutely taken to social media to share images, stories and stats about the carnage in Gaza is because it is almost entirely absent in international news outlets who have demonstrated such an appalling bias in their reporting, and continue to blame the victims for their ordeal. The reason why there are worldwide demonstrations for Gaza, and people are taking to the streets in the millions is because world leaders have not even done the simple decent act of condemning the collective punishment of the Gazans and Israel’s endless violations of international laws . In fact, many world leaders are staunchly supportive and defensive of Israel’s war crimes. We are angry with our own governments and this is why we protest. This is the same reason why millions took to the streets in 2003 before the Iraq invasion. We protested because our own governments supported Americas lies - dressing themselves as saviours of the free world, when in reality they only invaded to destabilize the area and to acquire its resources. The genocide in Syria needs to be brought to the collective conscience of the public as well, but let us stop the comparisons. Both are enormous crimes against humanity. And I rest assured knowing the darkest circles of hell are reserved for al Assad and Netanyahu.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 04:57:49 +0000

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