In an earlier post this week, I spoke of Our Best Growth. As I - TopicsExpress


In an earlier post this week, I spoke of Our Best Growth. As I have stated a number of times already, and will continue to state throughout my campaign, I believe growth is going to play a key role in moving us forward. Real growth that we can see and rally behind. There has been a great deal of talk centered on lack of willingness to invest or open a new business in our community. The stigma outside our community and internally as well is Hinton is a tough place to do business or to get a shovel in the ground. The Red Tape involved in getting a project started or business opened is cited as one of the key reasons for this. Do I believe this is the only barrier or challenge potential investors or new businesses face when considering whether to risk investing money in our community? No I don’t but I believe it is part of the reason and it is the part municipal government can adjust and control. With that stated, I would like to share with you a Red Tape Reduction strategy. Red Tape Reduction Modeled after the successful City of Calgary program and with the support of my fellow councillors I commit to leading a process of cutting red tape to make sure any interaction with our local government is better, easier and faster for our citizens, businesses and employees. This means transforming government and improving services to enable businesses and citizens to thrive in our great community. Time and Cost Savings Cutting red tape and streamlining processes provides many benefits for citizens, business and government but when it comes right down to it, the main objective is to save valuable money and time. I anticipate that with a successfully thought out and implemented Red Tape Reduction Plan, both business and citizens will see a reduction in time and process with related savings in costs. Red Tape Adds Time and Complication Red tape refers to non-essential procedures, forms, licences, and regulations that we face which add to the cost of dealing with The Town of Hinton. This includes anything obsolete, redundant, wasteful or confusing that diminishes Hinton’s economic and lifestyle competitiveness and stands in the way of job creation or wastes taxpayer time and money. Red tape does not include activities that are demonstrably effective and necessary for the protection of public health, safety, and environment. The focus of my program will be to remove red tape and make changes that result in our citizens and businesses seeing visible improvements. Some of these may be small, constant irritants and others may be larger, fundamental issues in regulations or business processes. The aim is to shift our culture from a regulator perspective to a facilitator. Stephen
Posted on: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 06:36:12 +0000

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