In an interview with Al-Manar , The Zaayter said "physical assault - TopicsExpress


In an interview with Al-Manar , The Zaayter said "physical assault reparation but strong loss Are losses Alepeshriaandma the go martyrs or assaults The Senate and the women, "pointing out that the aim of which gets In short, adjacent to the Lebanese border inside Syrian territory, Create a buffer zone to move it. " Deputy Imad Hout group "that what is happening today in the short Is a crime against humanity because of the intensity of the civil presence of women and children , Convicted of the largest in this process is the Party of God, That the party was raising the banner of resistance and to defend the land and civilians in the face of the occupation, If today it is carried out the crime of aggression on Syrian territory And participates in the crime of assault on other civil and killed
Posted on: Wed, 05 Jun 2013 05:18:21 +0000

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