In an lndian village there was a Brahman. who made his living as - TopicsExpress


In an lndian village there was a Brahman. who made his living as many barahmans do . by the perfor mance of priestly rites for those amongst whom he lived . his wife . on going out to have a bathe in the neighbouring river . asked him to remain in the hut till she returned and take charge of their infant son during her absence while the wife was still asbent .a mes senger came from the lord of the village . summoning the principal part The prospect of receinvig a liberal fee was too tempting to be resisted So he set off at once with the messenger . leaving the child in charge of a mongoose .which he had brought up from its birth. On his return to the hut .the mongoose with blood went out to meet him . The Brahman felt certain that the mongoose had killed his child. and in a fit of anger took up a stone and crushed it to death. But when he hed gone inside the hut . he found his child sleeping soundly as he left him . and by the side of him a dead snake which the mongoose had slain to save the child . The Brahmen reproached himself bitterly for having acted so thoughtlessly .There was indeed no exeuse to be made for him . for snakes often crawl into lndian huts and a mangoose is almost the only animal thet knows how to kill them . ( khalil fatnassi )
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 11:51:44 +0000

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