In behalf of the 1MM assigned in Bohol I would like to share to - TopicsExpress


In behalf of the 1MM assigned in Bohol I would like to share to you viewers our story for our church building project. It was considered a JUNGLE Church as the nearest church is 2 municipalities away from the area. With Gods help there were people who aided us up in starting the Lamp Shelter while we are still raising funds for the Church proper. May this video inspire you to share your love with us. 2 Corinthians 9:7, Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity; for GOD loveth a cheerful giver. For those who wanted to extend their help please contact me through: elexilyn043@gmail or PM me @ facebook MISSION FIELD, MISSION FULFILLED by: Elexilyn V. Abellana Time flies so fast that in a glimpse of an eye I found myself in a nook reflecting on the months that passed. Those days that I pushed much harder to finish the early morning jogging for three months while on training. Those busy days teaching Language and Grammar with my fellow missionaries. The farewell song on our Graduation that made me so sad. And the dispatching time going to our respective mission fields. All of these wilted my consciousness in a sudden. Two missionaries, one in mission, one in goal, one in desire were supposed to be deputed in Cebu. But God placed us somewhere he intended us to be in the eastern islands of Bohol. Together with Gods Divine presence we surpassed all those circumstances and failures that threatened our work. We never expected for blessings to come to lift us up amidst challenges. We may plotted our timeline of approach into our mission field, but God has his own. And everything runs smoothly according to His will. This is how the chapters of our story is unveiled. With our gears on, together we endured the raging heat of the sun, and the coldness of the rain on a daily basis to reach out the people in the mountainous side of our mission field. The tiresome 8 km walk journey was replaced by the warmest welcome of our Bible students. The exchange of laughters and the revelation of their stories gives us the opportunity to extend Gods love to them. The teardrops from their eyes as they came to realize how Jesus loves them so much brought a tender devotion for them to know more about their Creator. Things did not appear as easy as we expected, as missionary work in our mission field is indeed reality. People you never knew, friends you never expected, surrogates you never asked will just spring up the least you expect them to be. With that, the spice of your work will come out, issues will sit down on the very bench of your workplace. By that time, our faith were tested, our character were stirred, and our faith in God were strengthened. With such experience we found a remedy. The equation of our partnership runs in a formula. PRAYER + FAITH +DIVINE GUIDANCE + DEVOTION= WISDOM. GOD sees what the mind conceives, HE looks deeply on intentions, the things the mouth cannot speak. Few months more before our term will be over, and we realized one thing. God is not too far from you in times of need, He is just between your knees and the floor. Indeed as we will be parting ways with my partner the soonest, we will offer to GOD our mission field, MISSION FULFILLED!
Posted on: Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:58:16 +0000

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