In case anyone turned on the cable expecting to see the council - TopicsExpress


In case anyone turned on the cable expecting to see the council meeting tonight, 1/6/14, Below is the Agenda for the rescheduled Council meeting tomorrow, 1/7/15, but a few note are elow. Note for the MMA $60 is for 14-15 yearly Dues, $140 for the conference and $150 for the hotel and parking for the Mayor to attend the Mayors winter conference. The DVD burner is a 1-to-11 DVD Duplicator and it is needed since the old one is barely working; the burner bays have been failing one-by-one over the past few years. so it very hard for the Cable Operator to use the old one to make the copies for the CMs, staff and public after the meetings. Im hoping they add these other topics at least for discusion and status: a) Status of Hiring Town Administrator b) Status of Hiring Police Chief c) Discussion of Contract with CivicPlus for Towns new Webpage and training for staff to upload files such as minutes to the Webpage. d) Status of having all town policy documents given to current town staff and councilmembers. e) Status of incorporating new ordinances into the town code with contract with Generalcode f) Discussion of Resolution to create Finance Committee, past by council in Spring/Summer 2014, any changes needed to the Purpose, mission and procedures of the committee, process for soliciting and appointing members of the committee, and the requirements for the Finance Committees meetings to be open. g) Plan to have appointment of Ethics Committe new member during 1/20/15 meetng. Note the above are my suggested topics for the council, below is the actual Draft agenda as of earlier this afternoon. h) Prepare table listing of missing summaries of Cloosed sessions to comply with MD Open Meetings Law. i) Status of Audit for FY2014 - schedule presentation by auditor and release to the public. *** Meeting of the Mayor and Town Council Brentwood, MD Tuesday, Jan. 6, 2015 7:30 pm [Draft] AGENDA I. ORGANIZATION • Call to Order • Roll Call • Moment of Silence and Pledge of Allegiance • Swearing in of new Town Clerk • Approval of Agenda [additions/deletions] II. Public Comment - Open III. Minutes - December 4, 2014 - December 16, 2014 IV. Town Treasurer/Human Resources Report - Annual External Audit Status o o Minutes FY2014 Schedule – In Process - Accounts Payable Schedule - Tax Billing Status (Utility/Incorporated Business Property Tax - PY34 Close Out Activities - Human Resources - Review of November expense and revenue report. V. Town Clerk Report - Accounts Receivable VI. Code Enforcement Report VII. Police Department Report VIII. Acting Town Administrator’s Report IX. Old Business X. New Business Motion to approve up to $350 plus mileage for Membership in the Maryland Mayor’s Association and the Mayor’s registration fee and one night’s lodging and parking fees at the association’s winter conference in Annapolis FebR. 5-6 2015. Motion for call to artists: Brentwood signage at rain garden 38th and Rhode Island Ave. Motion to purchase a new DVD burner for use with the Cable Television services. Motion to go into Executive Session following meeting to discuss Contract and Personnel issues. Attendees: Mayor and Council, Treasurer, Acting Town Administrator XI. Meetings Council Meeting, Tuesday, January 20th, 7:30pm Committee Meetings 2015: Tree – Monday, March 2nd, 7:30pm, at the Gazebo Green Team – Monday, January 26th, 7:30pm, Town Hall Cable – Wednesday, January 28th, 7:30pm, Town Hall CSEC – Wednesday, January 21st, 7:30pm, Town Hall PWC – Wednesday, January 14th, 2015 7:30pm, Town Hall Fire House – TBD Hispanic – TBD Announcements — The Mayor and Town Council are seeking applicants for a Chief Election Judge and two election officials for the Monday, May 4, 2015 Town Election. For information and details contact the Town Clerk or Acting Town Administrator. Adjourn *** ********** Meeting Procedures Thank you for attending this public meeting. Listed below are the Town Councils procedures. Presiding Officer The Presiding Officer of the Council is responsible for conducting the meeting. When present and participating, the Mayor shall serve as presiding officer. When the Mayor is not present or if the mayor abstains from participation on a matter, the Vice Mayor shall serve as the presiding officer. If neither the Mayor nor the Vice Mayor is able to serve, the remaining Council Members may designate a Member of the Council to preside over the meeting. Publics Participation in Town Council Meetings (1) In accordance with the terms of the Maryland Open Meetings Act all meetings of the Town Council shall be open to the public unless the Council is in Executive Session or State law otherwise allows a meeting to be closed. (2) At the Town Councils discretion, the Council may permit a person to address the Council concerning an item on the agenda or to present a subject for the Councils consideration during the Public Comment period. (3) Persons wishing to make public comments shall abide by the following rules: (a) When recognized by the Presiding Officer, the speaker should approach the podium, state his/her name and address for the record, and, if speaking on behalf of an organization or other group, identify the group represented. (b) Only one person may address the Council at any one time. (c) Speakers must limit presentations to matters within the Towns subject matter jurisdiction. (d) Speakers should address all remarks to the Town Council as a whole, not to individual members or to the audience. (e) Speakers should limit their presentations to no more than three (3) minutes each. There shall be no substitutions or pooling of speakers. (f) The Presiding Officer may encourage speakers to not merely repeat views expressed by others. (g) Once all comments have been heard, Council will begin their discussion on the item. (h) Any point during the meeting, the Town Council may opt to limit the number of speakers on a particular topic or topics not yet reached. (i) In compliance with the Open Meetings Act, the Council shall not deliberate or vote on a matter not appearing on the agenda (non-agenda items), except for purposes of presenting statements of current fact or policy or for determining whether the matter should appear on a future Agenda. (j) Engaging in verbal comments intended to insult or slander anyone may be cause for termination of speaking privileges and/or removal from the Council Chambers. *********************************
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 01:21:12 +0000

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