In case, many of you are doubting the story of Mota Engil going - TopicsExpress


In case, many of you are doubting the story of Mota Engil going into a clandestine Mafia-style Loan Shack deal with the DPP led administration. Recall back in Bingus time, 1. Mota Engil took over all high value construction contracts in Malawi from roads to schools to hospitals to ports or reservoirs, 2. Mota Engil owners son paid a courtsey visit to Malawi and was treated to a royal reception. Travelled in a Malawi defence force helicopter on sight visit to Nsanje port. Was treated as a State House Special Guest, 3. Mota Engil was bankrolling Bingu and the DPP administration. A story covered by Nation Newspaper disclosed a number of multi-million dollar payments made into Bingus offshore and local accounts; 4. Mota Engil treated Bingu and Callista to a fairytale honeymoon in France and Portugal soon after his wedding on 100% full cost cover. 5. Mota Engil then bankrolled Bingus purchase of Ndata farm and the multi-million dollar renovations turning the farm house into a palace and the construction of a mausoleum which Bingu called the Casablanca (mpumulo wa bata) after he and his sweetheart had experienced wonderful times in Portugals Casablanca during their Honeymoon. 6. Mota Engil also facilitated Bingus acquisition of property in France and Portugal in addition to opening of Swiss Bank accounts. These were to be used for all the kickback payments for Motas operations in Malawi. Todate, the DPP is back in power and very desperate to pretend that Malawi Economy is back on track. Goodall Gondwe is the main catalyst for the Mota Engil and DPP reconnaissance to ambush Malawians in these dubious, demonic and mafia dealings. Just like the JET issue and the MHC Housing Scam, MALAWIANS WILL VERY SOON, WAKE UP HAVING NO COUNTRY TO CALL THEIR OWN. DPPs unscrupulous politicians have resolved to selling the country bit by bit. MALAWIANS CONTINUE TO FIND PROBLEMS TO BUY LAND IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY. PRIORITY HAS BEEN PUT ON FOREIGN MAFIAS. ONLY TIME WILL TELL. mwnation/the-mota-engil-bingu-connection/
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 12:40:00 +0000

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