In case you didnt get my most recent newsletter: Last month my - TopicsExpress


In case you didnt get my most recent newsletter: Last month my dear friend, V, turned 53. She wrote 53 things you could do for her for her birthday. I was so inspired that I decided to borrow her idea for my own birthday! My birthday is Thursday, and here are 35 things you could do to celebrate my 35th year. 1. Send a hand written letter to someone you love telling them what you love about them. 2. Buy Real Change. 3. Donate to a cause you are passionate about. Here are some that I am passionate about: Missing Pet Partnership Homeless in Seattle NW Network 4. Join the 30-day meditation challenge for the last 2 weeks! Email me to sign up. 5. Write down 10 things you are grateful for. 6. Bake or cook someone a meal. 7. Lie in the sunshine and do nothing. 8. Practice lovingkindness meditation on the bus, and send every person that gets on or off messages of kindness and compassion. 9. Come to class on July 23 for 35 Sun Salutations! Class is from 7-8:15pm (RSVP to save your spot) 10. Give a homeless person $5, and notice what that brings up for you. 11. Tell someone you trust something you have never told anyone. 12. Give someone a hug. 13. Give someone a high five. 14. Take a nap. 15. Write down 1 thing you love about yourself. If that is easy, do 5. If that is easy, do 10. Tell me what they are! 16. Get the book There is Nothing Wrong with You by Cheri Huber. Then read a bit. If you have read it, pick up another book by Cheri. 17. Buy a book from an independent book store. 18. Tell someone in the service industry how much you appreciate them. Then leave them a big tip. 19. Read one chapter from Lovingkindness by Sharon Salzburg. If it speaks to you keep reading. 20. Go to a farmers market and support your local farmers. 21. Turn off your phone for 24 hours. 22. Go swimming in the lake. 23. Do yoga for 10 minutes/day every day for one week. 24. Take your dog for a walk and let him or her be the leader. 25. Say a prayer before you eat. 26. Eat your favorite food in silence and relish how yummy it is. 27. Give something away to Goodwill or to your local Buy Nothing Facebook group. 28. Do something kind for your neighbor. If you dont know your neighbors introduce yourself. 29. Do a handstand. 30. Think of someone you struggle with. Now think of one thing you like about them (it can be a very small thing!). 31. Stop what you are doing right now and take 5 conscious breaths. 32. Go for a hike. 33. Think of something you want to learn more about. Look for a class on that topic and sign up! 34. Call your parents and thank them for all they have done for you. If your parents are not around anymore tell them anyway (they might just hear you). 35. Look at Lost Dog and Lost Cat posters and keep your eyes out for lost pets.
Posted on: Tue, 22 Jul 2014 16:06:37 +0000

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