In case your curious...My Politics in a nutshell.. 1. donuts - TopicsExpress


In case your curious...My Politics in a nutshell.. 1. donuts and coffee are a food group. I like them best when cleaning my guns. 2. A good fishing trip can solve many political issues. A. you don´t think about bombing your neighbor when you are fishing. In fact you can fish even with a neighbor you don´t like and it´s acceptable. However if he tries to get out of cleaning the fish and the boat..thats an act of war. 3. The budget crisis doesn´t really exist. If there is no money in the bank I have no crisis. I stay home so I can pay the bills that matter. Duhhh!!! Tell that to the idiots in Washington. 4. I drive around turtles in the road. Why..because they are kind of stupid and can´t do much for themselves. I take the same veiw of some countries. Drive around them. It takes a lot less effort that going to war with them. 5. When someone tries to sneak in my house at night, I get kinda upset. Refer to number 1 if you think about sneaking in. Something might go bang. I take the same exact view when it comes to our borders. You are welcome in my home if you are invited...sneak in, take my food, my money, and hurt my family...well...the result would not be favorable for you. 6. I believe that all Gals should be able to make choices in regard to thier bodies. However,,,,,,it might be good to remember it is not their body they are aborting. (I know that one will cause some discussion) Lets go fishing.... 7. I enjoy going to the casino. Puttin money down and winning. I don´t go often cause most of the time you lose. It´s gambling ya know. Well insurance is gambling. You are betting your gonna git yerself hurt...the insurance company is betting you won´t. That seems backwards to me....And I don´t believe someone should be able to tell me that I need to bet against myself. Don´t get me wrong..I think insurance is a good thing when handled properly...just like going to the casino. But shouldn´t I be the one that determines that.... Please don´t tell me I have to go to the reservation and spend my house payment... 8. When I look accross the street and my neighbor seems to need some help, I´m going over there to see if i can help him. When he comes to my door every day for the same help...hmmmm...I get kinda irritated. Thats the way I feel about Welfare too...Daddy told me that Stupid is when you do something the same way over and over again and expect the result to be better...thats stupid....Well Govt...ummmmmm.... 10. If I don´t have any food at home, I´m either going to go buy some or I´m going fishing or hunting...I´m not going to sit in the living room playing video games in my boxer shorts. My kids don´t care where I got the food and they don´t care how much it cost. They only know that it´s my job to provide that food. Well..if you don´t have a job,,you should be looking for one. If one comes available for 8 dollars an hour..snatch it up till you get a better one. Waiting for one to land in your lap is like sitting on the couch playing video games and waiting for that deer to wander up and knock the controller out of your hand..It´s never happened to me yet..and I doubt it will.. 11. There is no drug know some drug sickness floating around in the air that we just happen to catch. Cocaine didn´t just fly up your nose. You either bent over and stuck yer butt in the air so you could suck that poison into your system..or cooked in in a spoon to put in a needle. I shouldn´t be required to pay for your rehabilitation for choices you made..The same goes for alchohol...I don´t go away from my children and wife for 250 days a year to provide for your bad choices. I do it because they need stuff... 12. Lastly..Our Veterans are not political. No matter your political bent, or weather on not you agree with the government. Our vets are only doing what they are told to do by a government that you elected. Now.....The dead deserve our reverence and thier children our support. The wounded deserve the absolute best medical care that can be provided, and any support they need. And the ones that come home from doing service deserve jobs and training. There is no amount that we can spend that pays them what thier time was worth..........
Posted on: Wed, 04 Dec 2013 10:51:26 +0000

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