In case youve forgotten why you stopped watching PTI, let me - TopicsExpress


In case youve forgotten why you stopped watching PTI, let me remind you. youtube/watch?v=iBZfluGWojY I normally dont like facebook rants, but I bring you this because I feel it isnt receiving the publicity it should. ESPN has always been first and foremost American. The self titled worldwide leader in sports rarely covers anything that occurs outside of the United States, and when they do they dont bother to look up basic information on the topic, proceeding to make fun of it. They usually stop short of just saying Murica. Which is all fine and funny, and not too upsetting. But Michael Wilbon has breached the line between ignorance and Xenophobia. He told United States National Team coach Jurgen Klinsmann to Get the hell out of America. I dont understand how his comments are not being punished or made into a more serious matter. Klinsmann made a very valid argument about Kobe Bryant and basketball. In fact most people who follow the NBA or are sports analysts would probably agree that Kobe Bryant is not worth $25 million dollars a year at his age. But not Michael Wilbon. Michael Wilbon, ignores the truth behind the statement and attacks Klinsmanns nationality. Wilbon makes no effort to refute Klinsmann’s statement. Michael WIlbon calls him gutless and tells him to get out of the country, saying he knows nothing about American Sports. All for voicing his opinion. NEWS FLASH Michael Wilbon, Klinsmann has lived in California for over a decade. His Wife is American, his son plays for the United States academy. Hes working on become a full American Citizen. One of the criticisms of him when he coached Germany was that he was too American. Youre going to tell me that this man should leave our country Wilbon? There’s a reason your show only gives you two minutes to talk about topics, and it’s because you’re unqualified to talk about most of the subjects. In fact if you went on any longer your show would probably have been canceled by now for your bigotry. Lets get to the real problem here, Michael WIlbon is Xenophobic and a borderline racist. A man who called Jackie Robinson his hero, and crucified Donald Sterling for his comments attacks a man virtually purely for his place of birth. We all know Wilbon is best friends with Kobe Bryant and is probably in charge of his meal ticket, but that is no reason to act in the rash manner he did. Michael WIlbon, you get out of America. There is no place for your prejudice here.
Posted on: Sat, 07 Jun 2014 20:44:43 +0000

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