In case youve never seen The Corporation documentary, its - TopicsExpress


In case youve never seen The Corporation documentary, its available online. A Quote from Michael Moore in The Corporation documentary: You know, Ive often thought its very ironic that Im able to do all this and yet what am I on? Im on networks. Im distributed by studios that are owned by large corporate entities. Now, why would they put me out there when I am opposed to everything that they stand for? And I spend my time on their dime opposing what they believe in. Well, its because they dont believe in anything. They put me on there because they know that theres millions of people that want to see my film or watch the TV show, and so theyre gonna make money. And Ive been able to get my stuff out there because Im driving my truck through this incredible flaw in capitalism, the greed flaw. The thing that says that the rich man will sell you the rope to hang himself with if he thinks he make a buck off it. Well, Im the rope. I hope. Im part of the rope. And they also believe that when people watch my stuff, or maybe watch this film, or whatever, they think that, you know, theyll watch this and they wont do anything because weve done such a good job of numbing their minds and dumbing them down, you know. People arent gonna leave the couch and go an do something political. Theyre convinced of that. Im convinced of the opposite. Im convinced that a few people are gonna leave this movie theatre or get up off the couch and go and do something, anything, to get this world back in our hands.
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 07:33:01 +0000

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