In choosing partners, many wonder what to look out for. And the - TopicsExpress


In choosing partners, many wonder what to look out for. And the whole process becomes devastating when one seems to be totally clueless. On this note, we want to fish out factual four qualities you cannot compromise on. 1. YOUR LOVE FOR THE POTENTIAL PARTNER In 1st Cor. 13:13 Apostle Paul says, Love is the greatest. Indeed, there is no way you can hook up with somebody in a relationship or marriage without YOUR LOVE entering into it. Why do we love? We love because it is love that completes an imperfect person and makes him or her perfect. Thus without imperfection love would have no value. We value the love of God because we are imperfect. His perfect love makes our imperfect nature perfect. No matter what you will not marry a perfect person; and if you find one never marry him or her. But it is your love that turns the imperfect partner into the perfect partner you are looking for. So if you dont love somebody never try to enter a relationship or marriage with the person. If you do, you will imprison your heart and your frustration will rise when you find somebody you rather love. Emmanuel told us: She loves me but I just dont love her. I love another person. Why did you marry her then? We asked. It was a mistake he answered. A mistake indeed! You cannot afford to make such huge mistake. Dont ever commit yourself to a person you dont love; no matter how good he or she may be. If you think you can develop the love, fine; but until then, hold on. 2. THE LOVE OF THE POTENTIAL PARTNER Again, love is the greatest. The first thing you should look out for in a potential partner is his or her love for you. The person may be perfect in beauty, very handsome, financially, academically, socially, or spiritually capable. But until you are very sure the person genuinely loves you, dont enter the relationship or marriage. Love comes first. If you ever compromise on love you will regret ever marrying or entering the relationship. Katherine wrote to us: I am only few months into my marriage but everything is hell. My husband does not come home early, he drinks, and does not care anything about me. Upon further questions, we discovered the husband does not love her. She had married him because she thought he loved her. Please, love is not a matter of what you think. So be very sure of the persons true love for you before you commit your heart into his or her hands. 3. THE FEAR OF GOD IN THE POTENTIAL PARTNER Proverbs 31:30 says a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised. The same is true of a man who fears the Lord. We dont think you want to marry an unwise person. Meanwhile Proverbs 1:7 says The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom. So if a man or woman has no fear of God in his/her life, dont fall in a relationship or marriage with the person. Bible says wisdom is principal. If you marry a person who does not have time, value and fear of God, danger will befall you because a person who does not fear God does not have value for life. Note also that because no one is perfect, the partner who fears the Lord will become perfect by his/her submission to the laws of our Lord Jesus. And in the end the benefit will be yours. Because he/she fears God, the relationship or marriage will have God in it and both of you will joyfully serve the Lord. That is why a Christian must never marry an unbeliever or somebody who is just a church goer. 4. THE CHARACTER OF THE POTENTIAL PARTNER. Character is a major factor that matter for any relationship or marriage to succeed. If a person has a bad character, dont make a mistake of fixing your life with him/her with the hope that things will change. Many of us young people are too optimistic. We take almost everything for granted. But if you take character for granted your whole life will be grounded in disaster. The attitude of your partner is the altitude of your ultimate joy. If he or she has no attitude, dont think of a happy marriage or relationship. Therefore, be very sure the person you love does not only love you, and he or she is not just religious but also has the right attitude for the relationship or marriage. There are other necessary factors but we hope the four pillars above can give you a brief glance into the ideal man or woman that suits your soul. Without any of the above, your relationship or marriage will be limping. So watch out because if the foundation is poor the righteous can do absolutely nothing. However, while looking for the best in a potential partner, ensure that you are also worth the price. Fear the Lord, build your character and possess genuine love because you are also a potential partner to somebody.
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 21:53:29 +0000

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