“In conclusion, the investigation has established that the - TopicsExpress


“In conclusion, the investigation has established that the administrative actions already taken by the President against Mr. Robert Kilby, former Auditor General of Liberia, and Madam Pearine Parkinson, former Director General of the General Services Agency, for their respective roles that led to the awarding of the two contracts to ISCI were appropriate and supported by the findings of this investigation.” – Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission (LACC) Monrovia - It didn’t take long for Pearine Davis-Parkinson to almost land back on her feet, shortly after her dismissal as head of the General Services Agency. Parkinson, who together with disgraced Auditor General Robert Kilby were removed from their positions over a conflict of Interests case by President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf would soon find her name among a list of new appointments as an Ambassador-at- -Large. The backlash which followed the September 10, 2013 announcement forced the Executive Mansion to immediately take down the statement announcing Parkinson’s appointment. What puzzled many anti-corruption activists only a couple of days later was the setting up of yet another Presidential committee to ‘further investigate’ yet another corruption story. The Executive Mansion had in August announced the setting up of a Special Presidential Committee headed by progressive icon Conmany Wesseh, to further investigate the findings of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) on Dismissed Officials – Kilby and Parkinson. The attempt to bring Parkinson back into the government fold, some say, may have been the driving force behind the committee in a bid to override the Ministry of Justice’s finding and open a clear path to vindicate Parkinson for a new post in government. The play bolstered an early comment by Senator Clarice Jah (Liberty Party, Margibi County) who suggested in a secret recording by Ellen Corkrum, the former head of the Liberia Airport Authority (LAA), that fake independent investigation committees are sometimes established by the President for the sake of making things appear the right way in the eyes of the public. Senator Jah in the recording attempted to convince the pair to disregard any independent investigation/audit, but rather allows she, Senator Jah, the President and the “Click” to stage a fake investigation; thereby keeping intact President Johnson Sirleaf and her government’s secrets regarding corruption. Breaching Justice FrontPageAfrica has now learned that the findings of the Liberia Anti-Corruption Commission and the Ministry of Justice arrived on the President’s desk just days before Parkinson’s ambassadorial appointment. The Ministry of Justice was established to amongst others- to procure the proper evidence for, and conduct, prosecute, or defend all suits and proceedings in the courts in which the Republic or any officer thereof. As to such officer, is a party or may be interested, Institute all legal proceedings necessary for law enforcement, furnish opinions as to legal matters and render services requiring legal skills to the President and other agencies of the Executive Branch of Government. A copy of the report now in possession of FronPageAfrica came to the following conclusion: “The investigation has established that the administrative actions already taken by the President against Mr. Robert Kilby, former Auditor General of Liberia, and Madam Pearine Parkinson, former Director General of the General Services Agency, for their respective roles that led to the awarding of the two contracts to ISCI were appropriate and supported by the findings of this investigation.” The LACC investigation was born out of a July 5, 2013 written communication sent down to the Enforcement Manager from the chairperson of the LACC, Cllr. Frances Johnson-Allison instructing a full scale investigation into the circumstances surrounding the awarding of a contract by the General Services Agency (GSA) suggestive of a conflict of interest(corruption). The contract was awarded to a firm called “Independent Software Certification Incorporated” allegedly owned by former Auditor General Robert Kilby. The LACC wrote: “The communication from the Executive Chairperson of the LACC revealed that the alleged act of conflict of interest (corruption) surfaced on July 4, 2013 when the Director of the General Services Agency (GSA), Madam Pearine Davis Parkinson appeared at the Capitol Building for Budget hearing, which revelation was carried in the July 5, 2013 editions of several print and electronic media. In light of the gravity of this allegation, which had been widely circulated by the local dailies and the electronic media institutions, a team of Investigators was forthwith ordered to proceed with the investigation”. The LACC stated in its findings that two companies associated with former Auditor General Kilby represented by Mr. Nasser Panks won two contracts from the GSA. Kilby Represented Firm “That the contract for the construction of a Catalog System valued at Ninety Seven Thousand Six Hundred Eighty United States dollars (USD 97,680.00) was won by Independent Software Certification Incorporated represented by Mr. Nasser Panks and executed in its behalf on December 3, 2012”, the findings stated. The findings noted that a second contract for the construction of an Asset and Fleet Management, Tracking and Reporting System valued at two hundred twenty thousand, nine hundred United States dollar (USD 220,900.00) was also won by Independent Software Certification Incorporated represented by Mr. Nasser Panks and executed on its behalf on December 3, 2012. The LACC findings indicated that Robert Kilby represented the Independent Software Certification Incorporated at a demo representation while he was already serving as Auditor General. Mr. Robert Kilby “That the three firms namely; Independent Software Certification Incorporated, Professional Services Incorporated, Prospect Consultancy Group were selected and each asked to do a Demo of its design at the GSA main offices on Monday, August 27, 2012, in the presence of USAID-GEMS observes, in persons of Nicholas Leach and Murphy Gardiner: Mr. Robert Llewellyn Kilby presented for and on behalf of Independent Software Certification Incorporated. That the former Auditor General of Liberia, Mr. Robert Llewellyn Kilby was confirmed as Auditor General of the Republic of Liberia on August 23, 2012”, the report stated. The report indicated that at the time of the demonstration at the GSA, Mr. Kilby was still a ninety (90) percent shareholder at the ISCI and remained so until October 2, 2012, when he allegedly sold his shares to his brother, William P. Kilby. The findings stated that Mr. Kilby while serving as Auditor General still worked on behalf of the ISCI company “that though Robert Kilby was nominated by the President on August 20, 2012, confirmed by the Honorable Liberian Senate on August 23, 2012, thereby assuming the full authority and responsibilities of the Office of Auditor General, he proceeded to perform a demonstration during the bidding process on August 27, 2012, at the GSA on behalf of ISCI and subsequently informed Mr. Nasser Panks that they (ISCI) had won the bid for the contracts at the GSA”. Although former Auditor General Kilby had allegedly sold his 90% shares in ISCI to his brother William, the report observed that strangely Mr. Nasser Panks was designated to sign two contracts at the GSA in the total amount of US$318,580.00. Madam Pearine Davis Parkinson Findings hook Kilby, Pearine The investigation established that though it was public knowledge and the then Director General of the General Services Agency, Madam Pearine Davis Parkinson, knew or had reason to know that Robert Kilby was nominated by the President on August 20, 2012 and confirmed on August 23, 2012 and still 90% shareholder in ISCI, she allowed the then Auditor General Robert Kilby, to perform demonstration during the bidding process on behalf of his company (ISCI) which subsequently led to the awarding of the two contracts to the company (ISCI). Stated the findings “That considering the findings above, the investigation says that the conduct of Robert Kilby during the bidding and the awarding processes of the two contracts to ISCI constitutes a clear case of conflict of Interest thereby violating Executive Order #38 which came into force January 6, 2012”. For Pearine, the report noted that she breached her fiduciary duty by failing to exercise due diligence. “That the conduct of Pearine Davis Parkinson during the bidding and awarding processes of the two contracts to ISCI clearly constitutes a gross breach of her fiduciary as she failed and neglected to exercise due diligence during the bidding and awarding processes”, stated the report. In the wake of the now leaked LACC report many are now wondering why the Executive Mansion continues to push a special committee to override the functions of the Ministry of Justice. Some political observers say the underlining factor lies in the fact that committees such as the one set up to probe an existing findings of a government entity undermines the fight against corruption and raises more question than answers regarding the will of the ruling government to end graft. frontpageafricaonline/index.php/politic/1024-hush-hush-whatever-happened-to-the-kilby-parkinson-probe
Posted on: Mon, 17 Mar 2014 04:25:39 +0000

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